Search Results for "use"
Total frequency: 687
A devastated city 🔗
by Darlene Superville in 2020
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 6
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rubble , officials said . It was not clear what caused the blast , which struck with the force of a3.5 -
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told alocal TV station that it appeared the blast was caused by the detonation of more than 2,700 tons of ammonium -
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tons of ammonium nitrate that had been stored in a warehouse at the dock ever since it was confiscated from a -
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before , and local TV stations reported that a fireworks warehouse was involved . The fire appeared to spread to a -
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do with the blast . Hespoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the matter with the -
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a written statement . At the start of a White House news conference on the coronavirus , Trump said the explosioneporter
City: US 301 project 95% complete 🔗
by Brie Handgraaf in 2020
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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an 180- day extension to all projects across the state because of wet weather in 2018 . For the sidewalks on -
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second Wendy s location and the relocation of Public Tire Warehouse , as well as other investment . We have seen
Grants to fund officer, cameras, mental health support, training 🔗
by Drew C. Wilson in 2020
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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Wilson County Board of Education meeting . The district will use $ 33,333 for an additional school resource officer to work
Set a place for Zoom 🔗
by MARNI PYKE in 2020
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
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for a Thanksgiving feast with all the trimmings including a house packedwith relatives . But in a COVID-19 world , he -
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a small dinner ( under 10 ) with an open house after for other relatives , Pedersen said . This year -
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it will be just my husband and me at our house . Our dinner will still be good , as my
What s the plan if park district swaps 🔗
by ERIC PETERSOY in 2020
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
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offer to trade 0.62 acres from the former Jolly Fun House Academy site for anequal amount of parkland , along with -
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district . That would allow construction of a controversial 69-unit townhouse development north of the parkat 999 OakAve . The townhouse -
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townhouse development north of the parkat 999 OakAve . The townhouse proposal received preliminary approval in a 3-2 vote from Prospect -
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would resort to a backup plan for only 61 town houses on a 5.23-acre site . The company has not formally
ArlingtonHts. library to reopen Friday 🔗
by Christopher Placek in 2020
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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installed plexiglass at service desks and is encouraging patrons to use self-checkout stations , which are spaced out fromone another .
Restraining order filed against state Senate hopeful 🔗
by Lindell J. Kay in 2020
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
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wife filed against him means he s just another unjustly accused male victim of the MeToo movement . Retired Air Force -
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home or anywhere near his wife . Dennis Nielsen is accused of abuse , harassment and inflicting financial servitude , according -
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anywhere near his wife . Dennis Nielsen is accused of abuse , harassment and inflicting financial servitude , according to statements -
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leaders . A backlash has taken shape in which men accused of such actions claim they re victims of false or -
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Nielsen said . Karen Nielsen said that was a joke because her husband doesn t have any real money . Staying
Elk Grove Village buys shuttered Phoenix club 🔗
by Christopher Placek in 2020
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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, Johnson said , beyond some type of future business use in what remains a busy commercial corridor . For now
City: US 301 project 95% complete 🔗
by Brie Handgraaf in 2020
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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an 180- day extension to all projects across the state because of wet weather in 2018 . For the sidewalks on -
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second Wendy s location and the relocation of Public Tire Warehouse , as well as other investment . We have seen
A pledge for police reform 🔗
by Steve Karnowski in 2020
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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or defund the department , Arradondo also said he would use a new system to identify problem officers early and intervene -
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17 complaiisciplined only once . Arradondo said taking a deliberate pause to review the union contract is the first step tow
Ready to really see red? 🔗
by Mick Zawislak in 2020
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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when the perfect blend of windy conditions and wet snow caused issues across the region . ( Drivers ) could not
ArlingtonHts. library to reopen Friday 🔗
by Christopher Placek in 2020
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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installed plexiglass at service desks and is encouraging patrons to use self-checkout stations , which are spaced out fromone another .
More violence shelters are welcoming pets to encourage owners to come seek safety 🔗
by Jeong Park in 2019
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
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who would say they can t come to the shelter because they need to be with their pets , said the -
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at least eight domestic violence shelters in Southern California that houses pets on-site taking in 22 with their owners in 2018 -
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pets so people needing a place to stay wouldn t refuse the help . Several hhey are realizing the support that -
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CEO Nicole Forsyth said . Pets are part of the abuse , she said . If they don t bring their -
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If they don t bring their pets , they are used as a anipulative tool to get them to come back
Barton Parks new playground is made to be accessible 🔗
by Heather McRea in 2019
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
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children who might not be able to get as much use out of the city s other parks . Built recently -
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that is accessible to children with disabilities . Children who use wheelchairs can spin around on a merry-go-round type feature that -
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can spin around on a merry-go-round type feature that can use straps to hold them in place . The Teeter TXinnel -
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have integrated ramp access and a playground fully designed for use . The playground was sponsored by the Disneyland Resort through
Orange is sued over council electior - 🔗
by JeongPark in 2019
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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City Council members are chosen by voters . The city uses the at-large system , where all voters choose from the -
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for two council seats . But another seat opened up because of that election when Mark Murphy rose from being a
GardenWalk poised to expand its amenities 🔗
by Alicia Robinson in 2019
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
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, a bar with arcade games and a year-round haunted house . Hsu is aiming to have many of the incoming -
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re very aggressive . STC which manages commercial propertiebuilding that housed Richard Nixon s first law office bought the struggling GardenWalk -
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, it has done better in the past few years because of the relocation of the House of Blues from Downtown -
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the past few years because of the relocation of the House of Blues from Downtown Disney and openings of several other -
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bar , a previous movie theater and other businesses closed because customers didn t know they were there , she said
Parking structure coming soon to Old Towne Orange 🔗
by Jeong Park in 2019
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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608-space structure will be reserved daily for the public to use free with three-hour limitations . During weekdays , the rest -
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the lot south of the structure , which has been used as the construction staging area , will be renovated to
Homeless shelter in Anaheim now open 🔗
by Theresa Walker in 2019
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
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emergency shelter the city fast-tracked in December inside an empty warehouse near Angel Stadium . Six to 10 people were expected -
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rebuild their lives housing , employment or recovery from substance abuse . There will be no settim l can stay while -
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has an open-campus style design . Freestanding modular units can house up to 20 people each , or , in the -
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Program . Restrooms , showers and a laundry facility are housed in separate units ; a dining area , lounge and
Orange may get parking structure 🔗
by Jeong Park in 2019
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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look at two options : A stand-alone structure or a mixed-use project that also could include office spaces for city staffers
Accidentally in the big leagues 🔗
by David Jerome in 2019
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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assistant clubby in 1967-68.In 1967 , Garcia was 18 . Because he could speak Spanish , he was befriended by some -
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posing for Topps photographers during the entire 1968 season . Because of that , Topps had to purchase photos from outsid
Owner dials back rent hike after protests 🔗
by Jeong Park in 2019
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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concerns that were being voiced by the residents required a pause and an opportunity to initiate a dialogue with those residents -
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to push forward some kind of protection with the city because nobody needs to go through what we ve gone through
Owner dials back rent hike after protests 🔗
by Jeong Park in 2019
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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concerns that were being voiced by the residents required a pause and an opportunity to initiate a dialogue with those residents -
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to push forward some kind of protection with the city because nobody needs to go through what we ve gone through
Doti has a passion beyond Chapman 🔗
by Rebecca Allen in 2018
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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wooden bowls and even invented the Doti Bowl . He uses a lathe and a bandsaw and a medieval-looking implement called
7 Quick and Easy Fix Ups to Sell Your Anaheim Home Fast and for Top Dollar 🔗
by Brian Whitehead in 2018
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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Anaheim - Because to Get Your Home Sold approach , you wilt get
Council delays debate on term limits 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2018
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
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with the YMCA of Orange County , authorizing it to use the Anaheim Therapeutic Recreation Center for a Saturday night class -
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Pringle said that Councilman Richard Chavez , who was absent because of an illness , asked that discussion be continued so -
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I move to remove this person ... and I know because I 've done it . If someone is not serving
Post office to be renamed after fallen soldier 🔗
by Lilly Nguyen in 2018
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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, and on July 16 it passed unanimously in the House of Representatives . It now heads to the Senate ,
More Orange County cities, school boards shift to voting districts on November ballot 🔗
by Alicia Robinson in 2018
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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are likely to adopt a district system in coming years because California law makes it easy to challenge the equity of
Brea Goodwill one of last in countywide revamps 🔗
by Jonathan Winslow in 2017
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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100 years old , was originally a bank until it housed the Swift & Swift accounting firm in 1962 . Two -
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not been selected yet , but the plan is to house two to three restaurants on the first floor with 12
Abdominal fat reducer provided to Hoiiywood stars by famous piastic surgeon now avaiiabie to pubiic 🔗
by Dr. Frank Ryan in 2017
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
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re-accumulation of fat . ( XA also helps the body use its existing abdominal fat for energy , thereby increasing fat -
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An advanced line of products used by famous Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Frank Ryan is -
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Dr. Ryan was com- missioned by Advanced Supplement Research and used a research group which currently has an expert staff consisting -
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can think of CLA as a match that lights the fuse in abdominal fat . This fuse also increases metabolic rate -
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match that lights the fuse in abdominal fat . This fuse also increases metabolic rate that can result in more fat
Fireworks sales in July net local high schools thousands of dollars 🔗
by Joaeph Pimentel in 2017
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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a model more typical among focal communities that allow the use of the so-called safe and fireworks Anaheim overturned its longtime -
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Anaheim overturned its longtime ban in 2014 The city had used Anaheim Arena Management , the private company that manages the
Honoring those who help keep city beautiful 🔗
by Andrea Manes in 2017
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
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, East Orangewood Avenue Wipe Out Graffiti Award : John Hauser Congratulations and thank you to all honorees . Songs of -
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a.m. April 7 lecture is free at the Anaheim Ebeli Clubhouse , 226 N. Helena St . Learn about making tomatoes -
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Applications are available online and at local community centers . Because of limited space , priority placement will be given to
Ebell Club celebrates 33 years, announces donations 🔗
by Sharon Hlapclch in 2017
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
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of these include : Mary s Shelter , Grandma s House of Hope . Isaiah House and Mary s Kitchen . -
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s Shelter , Grandma s House of Hope . Isaiah House and Mary s Kitchen . Book discussions for kids and -
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. The East . Anaheim Library will offer a buck-abag used , book sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ,
by Joseph Pimentel in 2017
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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resort district s Hyatt Place , Homewood Suites and Hyatt House , for a 178-room , five-story Hampton Inn & Suites
by Joseph Pimentel in 2017
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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its two marquee signs and a 2,200-square-foot retail building that housed a Mexican restaurant and a flower shop . But over
Brea Goodwill one of last in countywide revamps 🔗
by Jonathan Winslow in 2017
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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100 years old , was originally a bank until it housed the Swift & Swift accounting firm in 1962 . Two -
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not been selected yet , but the plan is to house two to three restaurants on the first floor with 12
Abdominal fat reducer provided to Hoiiywood stars by famous piastic surgeon now avaiiabie to pubiic 🔗
by Dr. Frank Ryan in 2017
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
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re-accumulation of fat . ( XA also helps the body use its existing abdominal fat for energy , thereby increasing fat -
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An advanced line of products used by famous Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Frank Ryan is -
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Dr. Ryan was com- missioned by Advanced Supplement Research and used a research group which currently has an expert staff consisting -
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can think of CLA as a match that lights the fuse in abdominal fat . This fuse also increases metabolic rate -
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match that lights the fuse in abdominal fat . This fuse also increases metabolic rate that can result in more fat
Learn about keeping your kids safe online 🔗
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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on the float t it led A Sikh American Journey because of her affiliation with the Girl Scouts and her Sikh
A day to give back 🔗
by ART MARROQUIN in 2016
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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he wants students to consider projects away from their individual campuses . Students from Western and Kennedy high schools join forces
A day to give back 🔗
by ART MARROQUIN in 2016
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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he wants students to consider projects away from their individual campuses . Students from Western and Kennedy high schools join forces
Housing tract OK'd for former school site 🔗
by ART MARROQUIN in 2016
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
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A developer was cleared to build 75 houses spanning the 12-acre site formerly known as Riverdale Elementary in -
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Pointe Homes to move ahead with plans to build two-story houses ranging from 2,450 to 2,829 square feet . Mayor Tom -
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have always had the expectation that Riverdale School would be used for education and sports fields , said Richard Foltz , -
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law , all money from property sales has to be used for improvements to campuses and facilities within the school district -
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from property sales has to be used for improvements to campuses and facilities within the school district , which serves about
Traffic signal timing will be fixed soon at Yorba Linda intersection 🔗
by ART MARROQUIN in 2016
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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. And , those devices commonly known hoverboards can } used only on roads with a speed limit of 35 mph
Board candidate changes statement 🔗
by BROOKE E. SEIPEL in 2016
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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that Mr. Salas original statement was misleading and not just because he falsely listed me as an endorser . But , -
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as an endorser . But , perhaps more importantly , because Mr. Salas implied falsely that he was an experienced incumbent
Orange marketing firm produces Saigon TV show 🔗
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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the presence of editing - most traditional Vietnamese programs exclusively use a single camera with a | wide-angle shot , Nguyen -
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, Nguyen | said . By contrast , VietBuzz makes use of close- ! Ups , multiple angles and other techniques
Short-term rental tax starts in summer 🔗
by ART MARROQUIN in 2015
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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Guests who rent houses and condos while vacationing in Anaheim will have to pay
Lifetime angler shares passion through Harbour group 🔗
by EVA KILGORE in 2015
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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at-risk boys and girls from Huntington Beach schools arrive on buses chartered by the Anglers . Bayless says the children range -
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, lunch , beverages and snacks . This trip is used as an incentive to motivate children who are falling behind
by ART MARROQUIN in 2015
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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area . The traffic changes are meant to reduce congestion caused by vehicles traveling to and from Angel Stadium , the
Free swimming periods listed for Pearson Park 🔗
by ANDREA MANES in 2015
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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in an emergency or how to prevent emergencies around the house . First responders will present this important information . Doors
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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said . Most people come for eyeglass exams and dental because it is not covered . However , it is something
Volunteers tune up students' music skills 🔗
by SARAH TULLY in 2015
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
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of each month at the Mother Colony and Woelke Stoffel houses , which are considered two significant structures connected to Anaheim -
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Next door to each other at Founders Park , the houses are on the National Register of Historic Places , The -
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the National Register of Historic Places , The Mother Colony House was built primarily of redwood in 1877 by George Hansen -
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acres and helped launch the city s short-lived wine-making ffel House is one of the region 's remaining examples of Queen -
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1809 by John Woelke . The Stoffel family bought the house in 1902 , Misadventures in 20s New York Throw on
Free swimming periods listed for Pearson Park 🔗
by ANDREA MANES in 2015
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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in an emergency or how to prevent emergencies around the house . First responders will present this important information . Doors
Learn about keeping your kids safe online 🔗
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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on the float t it led A Sikh American Journey because of her affiliation with the Girl Scouts and her Sikh
Volunteers tune up students' music skills 🔗
by SARAH TULLY in 2015
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
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of each month at the Mother Colony and Woelke Stoffel houses , which are considered two significant structures connected to Anaheim -
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Next door to each other at Founders Park , the houses are on the National Register of Historic Places , The -
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the National Register of Historic Places , The Mother Colony House was built primarily of redwood in 1877 by George Hansen -
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acres and helped launch the city s short-lived wine-making ffel House is one of the region 's remaining examples of Queen -
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1809 by John Woelke . The Stoffel family bought the house in 1902 , Misadventures in 20s New York Throw on
by ART MARROQUIN in 2015
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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. It s important for us to help each other because we re all part of the csaid as she helped
Students set for service projects 🔗
by ART MARROQUIN in 2015
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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citizens with computers and knocking on doors to encourage the use of smoke alarms in homes , district officials said .
Readers are improving travel in North County 🔗
by Frank Eastman in 2014
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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people with disabilities who are issued special parking placards can use them in any vehicle . Thank you , everyone , -
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in writing this column is that real problems are fixed fairecause you brought it to our attention . Pm sure there
Resolving to help those most in need 🔗
by Tom Tait in 2014
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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few . I will continue to advocate for the proper use of taxpayer dollars on behalf of every Anaheim resident , -
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a job . I suggest you read the editorial , Abuse of business harms ANGELA RATZLAFF , ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER Anaheim
13 languages are spoken by agency s staff me 🔗
by Claudia Morris in 2014
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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a well-known service , earning an imitation to the White House for a Ramadan event , where she spoke directly to
Basin at Boeing site to buoy water recycling system 🔗
by SARAH TULLY in 2014
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
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six years ago . The district s board threatened to use eminent domain to take the 102 acres of the Boeing -
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Co. , which is constructing nearby industrial buildings where Boeing used to operate . The $ 28.4 million sale is expected -
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, according to the district . The land will be used for a recharge pond in the district s Groundwater Replenishment -
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and business officials protested , saying the land should be used for job creation . Instead , the board backed down
by Lorren Rodriguez in 2014
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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in the early 1950s just as Disney was building his amusement park and about to transform Anaheim from a relatively sleepy -
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a cell phone or pager . The alerts would be used such as the earthquake or brush-fire scenarios you mentioned ,
Fish 🔗
by Richard Guzman in 2014
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
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, we would be happy to compare stocking receipts , because it would prove , once and for all , who -
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time and showing up when they are not stocking , because it is pretty expensive to fish , Galaviz said . -
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said . But we would always come for onereason : because theyhad the really , really big fish . At 19 -
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. Ifs apple pie . It s the way things used to be , and the
City warns about phony workers seeking access, money 🔗
by ART MARROQUIN in 2014
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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the phone - but the city of Anaheim doesn t use MoneyPaks . Anaheim employees will not make unsolicited calls nor
13 languages are spoken by agency s staff me 🔗
by Claudia Morris in 2014
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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a well-known service , earning an imitation to the White House for a Ramadan event , where she spoke directly to
Basin at Boeing site to buoy water recycling system 🔗
by SARAH TULLY in 2014
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
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six years ago . The district s board threatened to use eminent domain to take the 102 acres of the Boeing -
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Co. , which is constructing nearby industrial buildings where Boeing used to operate . The $ 28.4 million sale is expected -
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, according to the district . The land will be used for a recharge pond in the district s Groundwater Replenishment -
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and business officials protested , saying the land should be used for job creation . Instead , the board backed down
Neighborhood Advisory Council holds meeting 🔗
by BILL RAMS in 2014
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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16 . Anaheim is an interesting city to work for because of the types of criminal activity that goes on ,
by JILL WORLEY in 2013
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 11
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added a second story to my 1946 Orange Grove cottage house . It was the dawning of the do-it-yourself era , -
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the work myself . One day while working on the house , I was delighted to see three artists had set -
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easels on the sidewalk and began sketching and watercoloring my house under construction . 1 went out to talk to the -
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I wondered what became of those three paintings of my house under construction . I knew May and Ganahl had both -
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even went to an estate sale at Don May s house , thinking maybe there would be some clues . Nothing -
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that was where the old Red Cross Building was located because a long time ago she had painted it in an -
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who sat on North Street in Anaheim , painting a house under co '' But maybe it was my neighbor , -
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of back and forth , Hartmann asked , Was the house under construction , and was there a little photo of -
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construction , and was there a little photo of her house in the Sunset magazine in the letters to the editor -
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. Hartmann thought she still had the painting of my house under construction in her portfolio . A week later , -
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second student who set up her easel infiont of my house some 20 years ago - and I now had possession
Libraries busy witb youtb, adult activities 🔗
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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at noon Aug. 29 , the discussion at East Hills focuses on Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward . Those wishing -
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the library support group place all donations in the ongoing used book sale in the front of the library s lobby
Fight for abortion rights remains 🔗
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
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provisions reervices . So as we celebrate ( and I use the term hesitantly ) the 4 ( ) th anniversary -
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, is in danger , they should be able to use any means they deem necessary to stop the threat without -
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obtain an abortion in a timely fashion without mortgaging their house ? This era of state restrictions on abortions began in -
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more about pandering to a minority of our community that refuses to take responsibility for the criminals they raise without guidance
August events designed to make Analieim safer 🔗
by BILL RAMS in 2013
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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make it a point to stress family at these events because that s where it all starts , said interim Police -
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Bob Dunn said . Our investigations often reveal the guns used in violent crimes come from burglaries where unsecured guns are
Church, businesses clash over activities 🔗
by REBECCA KHEEL in 2013
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 7
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pastor Randy Woolstrum , proposed agreements with adjacent businesses to use their parking . But the owners association said the church -
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it . Furthermore , the church already has agreements to use other businesses parking from its 2008 permit , he said -
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said Sheri Vander Dussen , Anaheim city planning director . Because of the conditions of the original permit , the church -
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to find that there was adequate parking and that those uses are not incompatible with surrounding land uses , Vander ) -
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and that those uses are not incompatible with surrounding land uses , Vander ) ussen said . The new permit allows -
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going into an agreement with the association . That s because creating a hodgepodge of parking agreements could pose a safety -
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said . Grace OC Church is adding the new activities because it s always been part of the church s plans
Libraries busy witb youtb, adult activities 🔗
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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at noon Aug. 29 , the discussion at East Hills focuses on Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward . Those wishing -
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the library support group place all donations in the ongoing used book sale in the front of the library s lobby
Abdominal fat reducer provided to Hoiiywood stars by famous piastic surgeon now avaiiabie to pubiic 🔗
by Dr. Frank Ryan in 2012
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
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re-accumulation of fat . ( XA also helps the body use its existing abdominal fat for energy , thereby increasing fat -
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An advanced line of products used by famous Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Frank Ryan is -
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Dr. Ryan was com- missioned by Advanced Supplement Research and used a research group which currently has an expert staff consisting -
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can think of CLA as a match that lights the fuse in abdominal fat . This fuse also increases metabolic rate -
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match that lights the fuse in abdominal fat . This fuse also increases metabolic rate that can result in more fat
Smiley face in the road is a happy sight 🔗
by David Rizzo in 2012
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
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some old circular loops , but they are no longer used , Miller says . If someone drew a happy face -
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I were driving home around midnight on the westba stop because the northbound transition road was closed for construction . Would -
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was an accident near that area , which could have caused the problem . Scheper adds , Construction alerts are published
H.B. residents pay pennies per police officer 🔗
by TERI SFORZA in 2012
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
savings . So it was with great interest that we perused a list ranking O.C . s police departments - in
Lifetime angler shares passion through Harbour group 🔗
by EVA KILGORE in 2012
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
at-risk boys and girls from Huntington Beach schools arrive on buses chartered by the Anglers . Bayless says the children range -
partial 👉
, lunch , beverages and snacks . This trip is used as an incentive to motivate children who are falling behind
Lifetime angler shares passion through Harbour group 🔗
by EVA KILGORE in 2012
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
at-risk boys and girls from Huntington Beach schools arrive on buses chartered by the Anglers . Bayless says the children range -
partial 👉
, lunch , beverages and snacks . This trip is used as an incentive to motivate children who are falling behind
Teen delivers on goal to give away books 🔗
by Michael Mello in 2011
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
exact 👉
to help Got some old Richard Scarry books that could use a new home ? Email Megan Mettler at lsreail to
The law is clear on the color of license plates 🔗
by DAVID RIZZO in 2011
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
exact 👉
? Technically , no , because that s still operational use of the telephone for non-emergency purposes , says Denise Quesada -
partial 👉
I have a 1970 Chevelle with a 454 motor . Because the car is yellow , I would like to have -
partial 👉
Jerry s car won t be easy to spot , because it will have license plates like everyone else s for -
partial 👉
you call 5-1-1 while moving ? Technically , no , because that s still operational use of the telephone for non-emergency -
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in your hand with the speakerphone on is illegal , because calling 5-1-1
Mercedes lot near 91 gets OK to grow 🔗
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
partial 👉
any tall buildings or light poles or any service bays because of the potential disruption to residential neighbors . But now -
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as a sales-only location . It s like having a house without a kitchen , said Don Bering , chief financial -
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one level underground - that will rise 42 feet . Because of neighbors concerns , the top level will include a
Orange schools help the needy 🔗
by ANDREA MILLS in 2011
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
through contributions from individuals and businesses , and must be used for registration fees or equipment . The number of donations
Early meeting with Santa costs a book 🔗
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
have a donation container in the main entrance of tlt clubhouse for the Sparic of Love Toy Drive collecting new unwrapped -
partial 👉
Corps Toys for Tots program as well as Operation Santa Clause.s collaboration has resulted in collecting and distributing approximately 300,000 toys
Skateboarders find a home on Mondays at First Baptist Church 🔗
by A. Trafford Tempieton in 2011
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
exact 👉
that have areas open to the public that skaters can use . But every Monday night there is a central area -
partial 👉
like this . '' Skateboarders sometimes have a bad reputation because people have misconceptions about what they are doing , said -
partial 👉
place to skate . '' The-ramps and rails that are used come from a variety of sources . Some belong to
Orange schools help the needy 🔗
by ANDREA MILLS in 2011
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
through contributions from individuals and businesses , and must be used for registration fees or equipment . The number of donations
My Totally Hot Car: 1952 Packard Mayfair 🔗
by Matt Degen in 2011
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
it She was sitting neglected on the side of a house in Buena Park , Huff , 29 , recalls . -
partial 👉
'' Huff said . Matthew painted the Packard a custom House of Kolor Kandy blend to match the color of my
Anaheim three-bedroom sells for $205,000 🔗
by Nancy Davis in 2011
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
Multiple Listing Service and other sources as of Friday . HOUSES Available : 336 Short sales : 147 Lowest : $
Programs planned for Canyon High School parents and students 🔗
by A. Trafford Tempieton in 2011
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
ASB to give students information about the negative impact substance abuse . Students face the consequences of their choices everyday and -
partial 👉
the issues of sexual assault , domestic violence and child abuse . Runnion has a lecial presentation that will address teens
Freeway art cover-up 🔗
by Michael Mello in 2010
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
art was placed in areas where no landscaping is possible because the entire area has been paved over . Tiles found
New development preserves 1920s home 🔗
by Heather Mcrea in 2010
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
The historic Mumm House built in 1924 has been preserved by SRC Development as -
partial 👉
. SRC Development is asking $ 549,000 for the Mumm House , and the other larger homes are in the $
Kind words from one of Jody Cleggs 🔗
by Jody Clegg in 2010
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
even when it seemed Wee there no Merest in our house . We particularly appreciated the feet you never pushed us
Independent Auditors' Report. 🔗
by Michael Mello in 2010
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
disclosures in the financial statements , assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management , as well as
Freeway art cover-up 🔗
by Michael Mello in 2010
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
art was placed in areas where no landscaping is possible because the entire area has been paved over . Tiles found
Advanced Ear Care Special Hearing Event Notice! Dear Friend 🔗
by Stuart Spencer in 2010
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
exact 👉
see your ear canal on a color TV screen with use of our new video camera . Your problem . may
UN presented with plan to monitor Iraqi arms 🔗
by Victoria Graham in 2010
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
indefinite period , of all Iraqi facilities that could be used for development of chemical , biological or n clear weapons
Diplomats seek House passes jobless benefits bill BCO payments 🔗
by Adam Clymer in 2010
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
included in a engthy audit by the U.S. firm Price Waterhouse . Touche Ross , the Londnted to liquidate Bed ,
Kind words from one of Jody Cleggs 🔗
by Jody Clegg in 2010
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
even when it seemed Wee there no Merest in our house . We particularly appreciated the feet you never pushed us
Cantlay rides hot streak 🔗
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority A HEARING
Anaheim Magazine splits in two 🔗
by Diane Reed in 2009
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
partial 👉
Anaheim Convention Center , The Grove of Anaheim and the House of Blues . There 's only one thing missing . -
partial 👉
date for opening ceremonies at the Anaheim Hills Golf Course Clubhouse . But Acting Community Services Director Jack Kudron says that -
partial 👉
spread are from West Side restaurants - The Anaheim White House , Mr. Stox , Napa Rose and The Catch . -
partial 👉
separate publications each requiring separate bindery , and mai '' Because we began this new format in the middle of our
by NANCY DAVIS in 2009
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
exact 👉
learned through the pilot program will be shared for future use in cities across America , organizers say . Information : -
partial 👉
181 S. Del Giorgio Road . In addition to various household items , clothes , and furniture , the sale will -
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, the sale will feature more than 500 pairs of used jeans . Proceeds will benefit Ginnys Kids , the Eli
by NANCY DAVIS in 2009
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
exact 👉
learned through the pilot program will be shared for future use in cities across America , organizers say . Information : -
partial 👉
181 S. Del Giorgio Road . In addition to various household items , clothes , and furniture , the sale will -
partial 👉
, the sale will feature more than 500 pairs of used jeans . Proceeds will benefit Ginnys Kids , the Eli
184 fllours are offered as short sales 🔗
by NANCY DAVIS in 2009
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
NOUSES Available 385 REas:35 Short sales : 184 Lowest price :
by MICHAEL MELLO in 2009
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
basketball team to Anaheim , '' Tait said . '' Because there are ongoing discussions and negotiations , I have just
Fuzzy dice and the law 🔗
by MICHAEL MELLO in 2009
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
exact 👉
in Spanish and Aetnamese . Go online to , use the `` how do I ... '' link and complete -
partial 👉
wanting to see a judge had to head to the courthouse early to get a hearing during what court officials called
Celebrate season with holiday home tour 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2008
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
partial 👉
going to the time and trouble of cleaning up our houses and inviting people over , let 's do a home -
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of the progressive potluck at her home , the Grimshaw House at 105 S. Rose St . It 's not just -
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though the fact can not be confirmed . The Hatfield house , on Rose Street , was moved from its original -
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for adults , $ 15 for seniors , students and museum members . Family packs are available for $ 50 and -
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on Center Street and the tour begins at the Anaheim Museum , where shuttles will be available to the tour neighborhood
Hills clubhouse opening delayed 🔗
by Diane Reed in 2008
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
Grand opening ceremonies for the Clubhouse at the Anaheim Hills Golf Course , originally set for -
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doing business by then. `` As for the public open house advertised in Anaheim Magazine and the city 's Community Services
School district seeks to educate fathers 🔗
by Olivia Maciel in 2008
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
including issues on domestic violence , incarcerated parents and substance abuse at home . `` We want the fathers to know
Planners approve Caliber project 🔗
by Diane Reed in 2008
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 8
exact 👉
, it will be utilized for some sort of commercial use . If not this cardealership , then perhaps a strip -
partial 👉
. `` Maybe there is something we can do architecturally because I 'd hate to see this thing go by the -
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an additional 10 feet to the structure , would be housed in side it . Commissioners approved the project even though -
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to make income off of their land . `` Since houses can not be built and the city refuses to make -
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`` Since houses can not be built and the city refuses to make it a park , it will be utilized -
partial 👉
car lot there , '' he said . `` I used to be a car salesman with Yeakle Brothers when I -
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the residents . '' Bering said Caliber needs that land because it is losing one of its showrooms at 5401 E. -
partial 👉
music would be played and that no loudspeakers would be used for paging . Commissioner Paul Bostwick said that the landscaping
Proving education can be fun 🔗
by Olivia Maciel in 2008
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
honor , for their creative way of holding an open house to increase attendance . Students and teachers dress in costumes -
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. Students and teachers dress in costumes at their open house and take parents around to tour the camp support groups
Planners approve Caliber project 🔗
by Diane Reed in 2008
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 8
exact 👉
, it will be utilized for some sort of commercial use . If not this cardealership , then perhaps a strip -
partial 👉
. `` Maybe there is something we can do architecturally because I 'd hate to see this thing go by the -
partial 👉
an additional 10 feet to the structure , would be housed in side it . Commissioners approved the project even though -
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to make income off of their land . `` Since houses can not be built and the city refuses to make -
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`` Since houses can not be built and the city refuses to make it a park , it will be utilized -
partial 👉
car lot there , '' he said . `` I used to be a car salesman with Yeakle Brothers when I -
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the residents . '' Bering said Caliber needs that land because it is losing one of its showrooms at 5401 E. -
partial 👉
music would be played and that no loudspeakers would be used for paging . Commissioner Paul Bostwick said that the landscaping
Anaheim Magazine splits in two 🔗
by Diane Reed in 2008
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
partial 👉
Anaheim Convention Center , The Grove of Anaheim and the House of Blues . There 's only one thing missing . -
partial 👉
date for opening ceremonies at the Anaheim Hills Golf Course Clubhouse . But Acting Community Services Director Jack Kudron says that -
partial 👉
spread are from West Side restaurants - The Anaheim White House , Mr. Stox , Napa Rose and The Catch . -
partial 👉
separate publications each requiring separate bindery , and mai '' Because we began this new format in the middle of our
Painting delayed but goes forward 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2007
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 6
partial 👉
on weekdays and setting out early Saturday morning . Twenty houses were finished during the weekend and the all-volunteer teams will -
partial 👉
all-volunteer teams will finish work on this year 's 50 houses by Saturday . Members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater -
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'' said Joanna Nachurski , Czescik 's daughter . `` Because we have been in California for 10 years ... and -
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Your Heart Out stands out from their other volunteer efforts because they see the results of their work . `` It -
partial 👉
Parslow 's own church who painted the body of the house . `` The trim was completed by the Anaheim United -
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the Anaheim United Methodist Church team . The last 10 houses will be completed this Saturday , with a few more
Students post gains in standardized tests 🔗
by OLIVIA MACIEL in 2007
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
partial 👉
in the Academic Performance Index scores this year , primarily because they were tested on what they have learned in the -
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. Thirteen of the 16 Anaheim Union High School District campuses met their goals . In the Anaheim City School District -
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schools met their goals and all nine Magnolia School District campuses met their goals for the 2003 academic year . Six
Sports complex at Magnolia High considered 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2007
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
exact 👉
looking at possibilities , '' said Judithanne Collette , land use chairwoman for the West Anaheim Neighborhood Development Council . `` -
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Maxwell Park , saying the design created too many active uses of the space . Jack Kudron , interim community services -
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would be designed as multi-purpose so that they could be used for baseball , Softball , soccer or football . According
District, teachers agree to contract 🔗
by OLIVIA MACIEL in 2007
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
partial 👉
of district offices protesting increased health costs , saying they refused to sign new contracts . The dispute began after the -
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with families would Background : Anaheim City School District teachers refused to renew their contracts in June because of health insurance -
partial 👉
School District teachers refused to renew their contracts in June because of health insurance increases that charged $ 159 to $
Anaheim stables provide shelter 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2007
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
the flames were visible in the trees next to the house and the smoke thick . For others , it was -
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to benefit Boys and Girls Club The annual Anaheim White House Christmas Tree Lighting Dinner will be held Nov. 23 beginning
Winds foil annual Santa drop 🔗
by OLIVIA MACIEL in 2007
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
partial 👉
Town Square `` Jingle Bell Jump '' on `` Just because you 're cleaning tables right now , does n't mean -
partial 👉
students to work hard and aim high . `` Just because you 're cleaning tables right now , does n't mean -
partial 👉
for three years and the only reason I stayed is because of her , '' says 19-year-old Desiree Garcia . Sandoval
Dedicated to the Virgin 🔗
by OLIVIA MACIEL in 2007
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
Virgin to help me see my family in Mexico again because I 'm on my own here . ''
Winds foil annual Santa drop 🔗
by OLIVIA MACIEL in 2007
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
partial 👉
Town Square `` Jingle Bell Jump '' on `` Just because you 're cleaning tables right now , does n't mean -
partial 👉
students to work hard and aim high . `` Just because you 're cleaning tables right now , does n't mean -
partial 👉
for three years and the only reason I stayed is because of her , '' says 19-year-old Desiree Garcia . Sandoval
Veterinary hospital gets council OK 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2007
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
issue is far and away exacerbated , not by the uses on this site or in that neighborhood but by the
Fresh perspective helping move the city forward 🔗
by CURT PRINGLE in 2007
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
exact 👉
Plan , the document that will guide Anaheim 's land use for the 21st century . We are about to begin
Modernization continues at Magnolia district schools 🔗
by Olivia Maciel in 2006
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
of a building 's life . '' Turrentine said the useful life of a building is about 40 years . After -
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. The N.E.W . Program The N.E.W . Program is used nationally as a model for establishing comprehensive surgical weight control
Hills neighbors at odds over garage 🔗
by Diane Reed in 2006
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
exact 👉
garage it did not require a zoning variance or conditional use permit . `` It is within the code , '' -
partial 👉
building the garage must be in proportion to the main house . `` We would n't allow a building of this -
partial 👉
n't allow a building of this size behind a tract house in West Anaheim , '' Hastngs said . `` But -
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in West Anaheim , '' Hastngs said . `` But because of the size of the Curie home , it is -
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only one . `` I think that one is being used as a stable , '' he said .
Major League fun at the library 🔗
by Olivia Maciel in 2006
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
. Robinson included Anaheim in this year 's 20-year tour because of the-Angels World Series victory in October . Librarian Carol
Children's Arts Festival Saturday 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2006
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
exposure to art that maybe they do n't usually get because it 's hard to be able to go to one -
partial 👉
the children can redeem a free gift a the Anaheim Museum , a can of play-dough . The festival also includes
Hills neighbors at odds over garage 🔗
by Diane Reed in 2006
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
exact 👉
garage it did not require a zoning variance or conditional use permit . `` It is within the code , '' -
partial 👉
building the garage must be in proportion to the main house . `` We would n't allow a building of this -
partial 👉
n't allow a building of this size behind a tract house in West Anaheim , '' Hastngs said . `` But -
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in West Anaheim , '' Hastngs said . `` But because of the size of the Curie home , it is -
partial 👉
only one . `` I think that one is being used as a stable , '' he said .
Painting delayed but goes forward 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2006
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 6
partial 👉
on weekdays and setting out early Saturday morning . Twenty houses were finished during the weekend and the all-volunteer teams will -
partial 👉
all-volunteer teams will finish work on this year 's 50 houses by Saturday . Members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater -
partial 👉
'' said Joanna Nachurski , Czescik 's daughter . `` Because we have been in California for 10 years ... and -
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Your Heart Out stands out from their other volunteer efforts because they see the results of their work . `` It -
partial 👉
Parslow 's own church who painted the body of the house . `` The trim was completed by the Anaheim United -
partial 👉
the Anaheim United Methodist Church team . The last 10 houses will be completed this Saturday , with a few more
Painting delayed but goes forward 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2006
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 6
partial 👉
on weekdays and setting out early Saturday morning . Twenty houses were finished during the weekend and the all-volunteer teams will -
partial 👉
all-volunteer teams will finish work on this year 's 50 houses by Saturday . Members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater -
partial 👉
'' said Joanna Nachurski , Czescik 's daughter . `` Because we have been in California for 10 years ... and -
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Your Heart Out stands out from their other volunteer efforts because they see the results of their work . `` It -
partial 👉
Parslow 's own church who painted the body of the house . `` The trim was completed by the Anaheim United -
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the Anaheim United Methodist Church team . The last 10 houses will be completed this Saturday , with a few more
Magnolia High students building fitness center 🔗
by Olivia Maciel in 2005
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
to clear up the old shop , which was being used as a storage room . `` Students came in for
Council delays debate on term limits 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2005
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
exact 👉
with the YMCA of Orange County , authorizing it to use the Anaheim Therapeutic Recreation Center for a Saturday night class -
partial 👉
Pringle said that Councilman Richard Chavez , who was absent because of an illness , asked that discussion be continued so -
partial 👉
I move to remove this person ... and I know because I 've done it . If someone is not serving
Baumbach is new Miss Anaheim 🔗
by Olivia Macie in 2005
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
all accounted for 10 percent each . Mickey and Minnie Mouse Anahei m Bulletin and Tahitian dancers provided entertainment . Keo
Lending a helping hand 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2005
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
exact 👉
at 823 S. Beach Blvd . all operate under conditional use permits that require guests to move out after 30 days -
partial 👉
's leadership , has been a total blessing to us because we could not financially afford it . '' Georgia `` -
partial 👉
it 's been a tragedy these last couple of years because we 've had to kick so many people out after
Offices converted into studio, two-bedroom apartments. Roof to feature penthouse. 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2005
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
historical buildings in the city , the mixed residential and commercial-use building sits in an area the city is desperately trying
Kramer Building gets its first tenants 🔗
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
partial 👉
The historic Kramer Building will house 20 apartments and a penthouse perched atop the 79-old building -
partial 👉
The historic Kramer Building will house 20 apartments and a penthouse perched atop the 79-old building 's roof . An 800 -
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spaces go from $ 850 to $ 975 . The penthouse , which will be completed in the coming months , -
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which will be completed in the coming months , will house two bedrooms , have its own elevator to the roof
Beloved school crossing guard dies at 76 🔗
by Diane Reed in 2005
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
. `` She often said she never really missed it because she had grown up , for the most part , -
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officials told her she would n't make a good teacher because , with one arm , she Photo courtesy BENNINK FAMILY
AUHSD cutting budget 🔗
by Olivia Maciel in 2005
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
services technician , asked the board to keep Jane Kelly because she `` is an asset to Hope . '' ``
Fire Safety 🔗
by ROGER SMITH in 2005
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
possible threats are and discuss them with your family , household , or co-workers . Create an emergency plan . Be
Anaheim residents, workers finalists for tourism honors 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2005
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
partial 👉
is a nonprofit group aimed at providing advocacy support for abused children . Project Tomorrow , an Anaheim-based nonprofit group that -
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children . Project Tomorrow , an Anaheim-based nonprofit group that focuses on improving science education in Orange County 's K-12 schools -
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Restaurant Writers Association on Feb. 23 . The Anaheim White House was also honored in the Italian category . Brian Bishop
Miss Anaheim adds program for teens 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2004
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
hosting their own pageants in towns across the country . Because girls from throughout the region could enter the contest ,
Anaheim teen is pursuing singing career 🔗
by Melissa Mejia in 2004
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 7
partial 👉
to take her to practice and performances . `` 1 used to sleep in Lisa 's CHRISTOPHER WAGNER , FOR THE -
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She aspires to be `` more like an Alicia Keyes because I play the piano . '' Tucker performs about three -
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are aware of it . Her mother said that be cause of Tucker 's laid-back attitude , she gets along with -
partial 👉
laid-back attitude , she gets along with kids at school because she 's one of them . `` It 's a -
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to get her schoolwork done and have time to practice because of her busy schedule . `` Sometimes I have a -
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younger sister . `` I praise the success of her because I talk about me rapping . But she is the -
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younger sister . `` I praise the success of her because I talk about me rapping . But she is the
Take care when disposing household items 🔗
by Roger Smith in 2004
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 13
partial 👉
out your garage and home of old paints or other household products . It is important to take care when disposing -
partial 👉
It is important to take care when disposing of certain household items . Many products found in your home may be -
partial 👉
home may be a potential hazard . Some substances , because of their chemical makeup , can poison , corrode , -
partial 👉
handled improperly . If discarded , they are considered a household hazardous waste and are not exempt from California hazardous waste -
partial 👉
environment . Therefore , it is illegal to dispose of household hazardous waste in the trash , down storm drains , -
partial 👉
cleanser ) . Adhesives , latex and oil-based paints , household polishes and cleaners , drain openers , lighter fluids and -
partial 👉
a fire or injure landfill workers due to poisonous fumes caused by mixed or concentrated chemicals and also seriously damage the -
partial 👉
chemicals and also seriously damage the environment by contaminating groundwater used for drinking water . Safety Tips for Household Hazardous Waste -
partial 👉
contaminating groundwater used for drinking water . Safety Tips for Household Hazardous Waste Read manufacturers ' label . Store chemicals properly -
partial 👉
Handle chemicals with care . Dispose of chemicals properly . Household hazardous wastes need to be professionally handled during disposal . -
partial 👉
disposal . For more information on locations for disposing of household hazardous waste or used motor oil call 1-800-CLEANUP or the -
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information on locations for disposing of household hazardous waste or used motor oil call 1-800-CLEANUP or the Anaheim Fire Department Used -
partial 👉
used motor oil call 1-800-CLEANUP or the Anaheim Fire Department Used Oil Program at 765-4048 .
Take care when disposing household items 🔗
by Roger Smith in 2004
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 13
partial 👉
out your garage and home of old paints or other household products . It is important to take care when disposing -
partial 👉
It is important to take care when disposing of certain household items . Many products found in your home may be -
partial 👉
home may be a potential hazard . Some substances , because of their chemical makeup , can poison , corrode , -
partial 👉
handled improperly . If discarded , they are considered a household hazardous waste and are not exempt from California hazardous waste -
partial 👉
environment . Therefore , it is illegal to dispose of household hazardous waste in the trash , down storm drains , -
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cleanser ) . Adhesives , latex and oil-based paints , household polishes and cleaners , drain openers , lighter fluids and -
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a fire or injure landfill workers due to poisonous fumes caused by mixed or concentrated chemicals and also seriously damage the -
partial 👉
chemicals and also seriously damage the environment by contaminating groundwater used for drinking water . Safety Tips for Household Hazardous Waste -
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contaminating groundwater used for drinking water . Safety Tips for Household Hazardous Waste Read manufacturers ' label . Store chemicals properly -
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Handle chemicals with care . Dispose of chemicals properly . Household hazardous wastes need to be professionally handled during disposal . -
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disposal . For more information on locations for disposing of household hazardous waste or used motor oil call 1-800-CLEANUP or the -
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information on locations for disposing of household hazardous waste or used motor oil call 1-800-CLEANUP or the Anaheim Fire Department Used -
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used motor oil call 1-800-CLEANUP or the Anaheim Fire Department Used Oil Program at 765-4048 .
Schools are continuing modernization projects 🔗
by OLIVIA MACIEL in 2004
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
eligibility for future matching state funds could be in jeopardy because of a lack of new students . The state gives -
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crowded , it has remained at a steady growth rate because its schools are on double sessions or year round and
Anaheim teen is pursuing singing career 🔗
by Melissa Mejia in 2004
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 7
partial 👉
to take her to practice and performances . `` I used to sleep in Lisa 's CHRISTOPHER WAGNER , FOR THE -
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She aspires to be `` more like an Alicia Keyes because I play the piano . '' Tucker performs about three -
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students are aware of it . Her mother said that because of Tucker 's laid-back attitude , she gets along with -
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laid-back attitude , she gets along with kids at school because she 's one of them . `` It 's a -
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to get her schoolwork done and have time to practice because of her busy schedule . `` Sometimes I have a -
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younger sister . `` I praise the success of her because I talk about me rapping . But she is the -
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younger sister . `` I praise the success of her because I talk about me rapping . But she is the
Nurse who needs kidney promotes organ donations 🔗
by Diane Reed in 2003
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
exact 👉
the troops ran out of toilet paper , they could use newspaper instead , '' McMillan said . `` It did -
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as well . `` I like writing to the troops because we get to know them and they get to know -
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'' The small care packages are sent every other day because the troops are limited to 13 ounces , which is -
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's family podiatrist has donated foot powder and ointment for calluses and blisters . Although the items they have stocked are -
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I guess I 'm doing this to return the favor because it takes a lot of courage to do what they
Good parents come in all shapes, sizes and colors 🔗
by Lorena Alvarez in 2003
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 12
partial 👉
parenting is a subject that hits very close to home because something that many people do n't know about me is -
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have been led to believe that children need a two-parent household to be raised properly and I whole-heartedly disagree . What -
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or adult model ) to make it . In two-parent households , children can get lost in the fa ade that -
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I am busy now '' are commonly heard in two-parent households . Sometimes in a two-parent household there is no connection -
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commonly heard in two-parent households . Sometimes in a two-parent household there is no connection or communication . What we find -
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and these parents spend less individual time with their children because they are too busy worrying about avoiding the other parent -
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parent can be much harder than that of a two-parent household . It depends on the parent , of course . -
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, I feel that it is a blessing for me because I cherish our time together and try not to take -
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to take it for granted or waste it . Two-parent households take for granted that they have children and rarely divide -
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and Wednesdays she knows her father will come to our house and spend his individual time with her . They read -
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I make it a priority to do laundry , clean house and spend time with friends and plan what we will -
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I realize that not all single parents have established routines because they work multiple jobs and are juggling multiple roles .
Women's Division honors scholars 🔗
by Olivia Maciel in 2003
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
the city . `` We 're supporting these young adults because they may be the future of the city , '' -
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in the community . `` I like to be involved because you get to know the community better , '' Martinez
City set to open Ross Park 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2003
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
the project . `` We 're still going to stay focused and we 're still going to go forward , ''
Overcoming grim past 🔗
by Olivia Maciel in 2003
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
partial 👉
. Hinojosa still has fond memories of her father , because he was a `` loving father '' and still visits -
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'' their relationship is not the same . `` I used to resent her , but I do n't anymore , -
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`` I still visit her once in a while not because I need her , but because I know it 's -
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in a while not because I need her , but because I know it 's good for her . '' Hinojosa -
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principal at her school , which is not being identified because Hinojosa and her siblings do not want to be located
Four qualify in election for mayor 🔗
by Karlie Reiss in 2002
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
end of the year . Daly is unable to run because of term limits . The candidates who have qualified for -
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two City Council seats was extended until 5 p.m. Wednesday because Kring and Feldhaus chose to run for mayor . As
Choosing the right food for your pet important to health 🔗
by Roger Bierstedf in 2002
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
exact 👉
small dogs , probably the most important criteria I , use to evaluate the quality of a , pet food , -
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medication . Almost every commercial diet contains proteins that can cause allergies including beef , pork , chicken , lamb , -
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daily by-products . The list is endless . Allergies are caused by repeated exposure to a foreign protein and an abnormal -
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been discovered that in , order for a protein to cause an , Please ?
Bond between parents student and teacher critical 🔗
by Lorena Alvarez in 2002
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
has come to me several times to ask for help because she is having a hard time helping her son with -
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they wo n't receive a call from school . I refuse to be one of those parents ! I am a
Anaheim student studying HIV virus 🔗
by Karlie Reiss in 2002
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
partial 👉
are just normal now . '' Nguyen 's research is focused on integrase because the other three proteins essential to replicate -
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now . '' Nguyen 's research is focused on integrase because the other three proteins essential to replicate to contain HIV -
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how difficult it must be for them and their family because now I know exactly what the virus is like , -
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medical program than males . `` I think this is because women like to take care of people , '' she
Eichler announces candidacy for City Council 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2002
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 14
exact 👉
First of all the mess and I 'm going to use the word mess the mess that 's happening down here -
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of real estate , they look at highest and best use . We would n't put a daily across from Anaheim -
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used car lot across from Disneyland . Highest and best use . `` Well , highest and best use can be -
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and best use . `` Well , highest and best use can be measured by many things , including traffic and -
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a city goes out and says the highest and best use for this piece of property is the tax revenue it -
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the country is taking to be 'released by a publishing 'house in the fall . He is `` From Rags to -
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I want to be able to have protected neighborhoods . Because of the increased traffic on Beach Boulevard , Harbor and -
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What that means is it 's not a standard neighborhood because of the traffic pattern , but a neighborhood that needs -
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gros '' Why do we want to do that ? Because we have to attract small businesses to Anaheim so our -
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that I see developing . It 's hard to express because it 's a difficult problem that meets to the very -
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has come out and said we 're taking your property because we 're going to put a Costco there . We -
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across from Anaheim Stadium , you would n't put a used car lot across from Disneyland . Highest and best use -
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, they are blind , B-L-I-N-D . They 're blind because they do n't consider the complete picture . '' Q -
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deadline for those seats was extended until 5 p.m. Wednesday because Council man Frank Feldhaus and Councilwoman Lucille Kring , the
Students from Anaheim's sister city Mito, Japan, immerse themselves in language and culture 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2002
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
as traditions and holiday ) , and outings to local museums . The students spent weekends with their host families ,
Helping Hands grants awarded 🔗
by Bobby Gilmore in 2002
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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the club 's Anaheim director , said the organization will use the money for its Motel Outreach program . `` We -
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through a competitive process . Funding went to organizations that focused on Anaheim residents and demonstrated how they improved the lives
Adelphia airs show on pool safety 🔗
by Karlie Reiss in 2002
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
partial 👉
's Hispanic community . On the Adelphia program , Sabol uses her time to highlight reasons for drownings . She has -
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children five or younger are targeted for the education efforts because drownings are the leading cause of death in that age -
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targeted for the education efforts because drownings are the leading cause of death in that age group . '' La Temporada
Mercy Housing to seek city loan 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2001
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
exact 👉
town , wholeheartedly support this proposal . `` Our land use people were all completely in favor of it because it -
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land use people were all completely in favor of it because it 's a necessary item , '' said Esther Wallace -
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community input . Kovel said they first went to WAND because of its influential role on development in West Anaheim .
Districts move ahead with bond spending 🔗
by Theresa Salinas in 2001
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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School , Lamer said . Currently , all 24 schools use Anaheim High School 's Cook Auditorium . Kennedy 's auditorium -
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eastern part of the district . The new auditorium will house 600 patrons . Larner said the district will submit design
Districts move ahead with bond spending 🔗
by Theresa Salinas in 2001
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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School , Lamer said . Currently , all 24 schools use Anaheim High School 's Cook Auditorium . Kennedy 's auditorium -
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eastern part of the district . The new auditorium will house 600 patrons . Larner said the district will submit design
Public benefit fee draws fire, but it's a state mandate 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 2000
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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Utilities Code . The fee is 2.8S percent of a user 's bill . In Anaheim , 60 percent of the -
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. In Anaheim , 60 percent of the money is used on energy efficiency programs , 18 percent pays for assistance
Teen, mother need to break the cycle of emotional abuse 🔗
by Tim Chapman in 2000
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 20
partial 👉
regular basis . There is no physical evidence of the abuse . That 's because it 's an emotional form of -
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is no physical evidence of the abuse . That 's because it 's an emotional form of molestation . Emotional sexual -
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it 's an emotional form of molestation . Emotional sexual abuse is rarely discussed or recognized as a damaging form of -
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is rarely discussed or recognized as a damaging form of abuse . It is covert in nature and usually kept secret -
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and the victim . The victim ca n't report the abuse because there is usually no physical evidence of an assault -
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the victim . The victim ca n't report the abuse because there is usually no physical evidence of an assault . -
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is usually no physical evidence of an assault . This abuse , however , is real and it is very damaging -
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however , is real and it is very damaging . Because of the covert nature of emotional molestation , Randi felt -
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emotional molestation , Randi felt she was just imagining the abuse . And , when she would report it to her -
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must be your imagination . '' Dennis ' emotional sexual abuse toward Randi has been displayed in the following ways : -
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dressing . Without physical evidence , however , her mother refused to believe her . Mom became angry at Randi , -
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at Randi , thinking Randi was making up the story because she did n't like Dennis . Randi felt sick and -
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by her mother . `` Dennis frequently walks around the house in the nude . '' This exhibitionism is a violation -
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that her mother should be playing . This form of abuse leads to enmeshment ( smothering ) relationships with others . -
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sexual predator and refusing to believe her when she reports abuse . Randi 's mother stays in the relationship because she -
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reports abuse . Randi 's mother stays in the relationship because she feels it 's better than the relationship she had -
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her mother need to seek professional help to resolve their abuse and abandonment issues . These issues keep mother in this -
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Dennis ; An inability to recognize and protect themselves from abuse ; and An inability to recognize or develop a healthy -
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true intimacy with each other and break the cycle of abuse . Members of the Anaheim Branch of the American Association -
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organization , which provides services to women survivors of domestic abuse and clothing for their working experience . Information about branch
Limints 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 2000
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
partial 👉
years has or will have elapsed . '' The last clause of the term-limit law allows an exception to the eight-year -
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beginning with the 1994 election . That election was chosen because three council seats were on the 1994 ballot . The -
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the law , '' Zemel said . Daly said the clause was added with the consent of all but Pickler to
Guinn students get backpacks, supplies 🔗
by Richard Manfredi in 2000
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
partial 👉
`` It 's hard to just have a folder , because it 's hard to carry everything , '' Jaimez said -
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pulling out a small , white packet of silicate , used to keep backpacks dry in the stores . For students -
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might be an expected find , but for students not used to new backpacks it was puzzling . `` You 're
Guinn students get backpacks, supplies 🔗
by Richard Manfredi in 2000
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
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`` It 's hard to just have a folder , because it 's hard to carry everything , '' Jaimez said -
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pulling out a small , white packet of silicate , used to keep backpacks dry in the stores . For students -
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might be an expected find , but for students not used to new backpacks it was puzzling . `` You 're
Young old alike to be big users 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 2000
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
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and many of the city 's youth sports programs will use the new gymnasium and fitness facilities . A group of -
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a ride . '' She thinks that other youngsters would use the facilities at the new center , like the homework -
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. But by its design , the center 's biggest users will be senior citizens and children . The old senior
Measure A effort to end fire contract negotiations 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 2000
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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, '' Chavez said . He cites the city 's use of arbitration in rights disputes as an example of how
600 attend event dedicating new downtown center 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 2000
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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`` I hope that the children and the people who use this center- ... will be as proud as I am -
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scissors handed to him by Disney characters Mickey and Minnie Mouse . Paul Pressler , Disneyland Resort president , commended the
Term limit provisions aired by council 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 2000
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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City records show that Daly did not comment on the clause , except to vote to place it on that November -
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then-Mayor Fred Hunter asked City Attorney Jack White about the clause allowing sitting council members to run for mayor in 1994
Groups get Disney awards 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1999
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
exact 👉
to its entry form . Kids for Parks intends to use its money to buy a utility van to take flowers
Mortgage lender announces Adopt A School program to assist l 🔗
by Steve Mathi in 1999
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
agent was subsequently provided an appraisal which showed that the house was 5,500 square feet . Furla 's agent also provided -
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told by one , `` There is no way this house is 5,500 square feet . '' That agent then did
San Antonio church holds 21st annual fiesta 🔗
by Deepa Bharath in 1999
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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. Seam us Glynn . And th a t s because the number of families that attend church has increased from -
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has enjoyed the fiesta as long she remembers . I used to enjoy throwing darts and the goldfish g am e
Physical, spiritual hearts beat strong 🔗
by Jeff Bowman in 1999
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
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history of the garments was shared . Chapman discussed the use of the fan and quiet messages were exchanged between ladies -
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Our disobedience or sin cut us off from God and caused us to die physically ( Rom . 5:12-14 ) . -
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; Alberta Beckelheimer , communication secretary ; Chaulare Nokes , house chairwoman : Beverly Moore , schedule chairwoman ; Barbara Westrup -
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Tea and Fashion Show to be held in the Ebell Clubhouse , are Janeen Borger , Anne Wi
San Antonio church holds 21st annual fiesta 🔗
by Deepa Bharath in 1999
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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. Seam us Glynn . And th a t s because the number of families that attend church has increased from -
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has enjoyed the fiesta as long she remembers . I used to enjoy throwing darts and the goldfish g am e
Still on the beat Retired officers continue working in their old units 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1999
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
felt bad and said , You are going to leave because of me ? ' But I told her is n't
Growing community 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1998
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
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oil or corn oil . Muhtadi believes health-conscious Americans can use Middle Eastern food as a doorway to understanding the Arab -
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not know how big the Arab-American community in Anaheim is because it is part of the all-encompassing `` other `` category -
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Street . Markets , clothing stores , cafes and restaurants focused on Middle Eastern culture set the Brookhurst shops apart from -
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religious leaders ) are all men . My community got used to seeing me in situations with all men , ''
Microsoft gives Police Department award 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1998
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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the investigation from the beginning . He said the department used techniques similar to those used for illegal drug and stolen -
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. He said the department used techniques similar to those used for illegal drug and stolen property cases to catch the
Sportstown deal has community use element 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1998
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 10
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complex will provide $ 100,000 a year for free community use . Just what that use will be has not been -
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a year for free community use . Just what that use will be has not been decided yet . The city -
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yet . The city will negotiate individual terms for community use with each tenant . The city has made no decisions -
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no decisions on which community groups will receive the community use . Tenants will be announced on or before Dec. IS -
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Co. built Disney ICE downtown , the city secured the use of the rink for area schools . The Community Development -
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the city with about $ 300,000 per year in community use . The department monitors the program to make sure that -
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The department monitors the program to make sure that the use is consistent with the contract . `` ( We wanted -
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a meeting place for an organization or dis * counted use of a facility for underprivileged people . The criteria for -
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for underprivileged people . The criteria for choosing a community use is that it help the most number of people . -
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Over 110,000 children receive free skating lessons . '' Community uses often include allowing an organized community league to play at
Skateboarders find a home on Mondays at First Baptist Church 🔗
by A. Trafford Tempieton in 1998
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
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that have areas open to the public that skaters can use . But every Monday night there is a central area -
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like this . '' Skateboarders sometimes have a bad reputation because people have misconceptions about what they are doing , said -
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place to skate . '' The-ramps and rails that are used come from a variety of sources . Some belong to
Sportstown deal has community use element 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1998
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 10
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complex will provide $ 100,000 a year for free community use . Just what that use will be has not been -
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a year for free community use . Just what that use will be has not been decided yet . The city -
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yet . The city will negotiate individual terms for community use with each tenant . The city has made no decisions -
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no decisions on which community groups will receive the community use . Tenants will be announced on or before Dec. IS -
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Co. built Disney ICE downtown , the city secured the use of the rink for area schools . The Community Development -
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the city with about $ 300,000 per year in community use . The department monitors the program to make sure that -
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The department monitors the program to make sure that the use is consistent with the contract . `` ( We wanted -
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a meeting place for an organization or dis * counted use of a facility for underprivileged people . The criteria for -
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for underprivileged people . The criteria for choosing a community use is that it help the most number of people . -
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Over 110,000 children receive free skating lessons . '' Community uses often include allowing an organized community league to play at
Growing community 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1998
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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not know how big the Arab-American community in Anaheim is because it is part of the all-encompassing `` other `` category -
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Street . Markets , clothing stores , cafes and restaurants focused on Middle Eastern culture set the Brookhurst shops apart from
Skateboarders find a home on Mondays at First Baptist Church 🔗
by A. Trafford Tempieton in 1998
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
exact 👉
that have areas open to the public that skaters can use . But every Monday night there is a central area -
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like this . '' Skateboarders sometimes have a bad reputation because people have misconceptions about what they are doing , said -
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place to skate . '' The-ramps and rails that are used come from a variety of sources . Some belong to
Getting a kick out of practice 🔗
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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every kick . After the kicker 's ball supply was used up , one of them would go chase the youngsters
Everyone doesn't get time on field 🔗
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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, but mainly they 're angry at the coaching staff because their son or daughter is n't getting enough playing time -
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their gripes are valid . Some coaches do play favorites because they went to school with a kid 's dad or
Sports an integral part of raising ildr 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1998
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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can be like him , '' she said . Abufarie used to pay basketball herself . Her son , Ala , -
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to think of doing anything bad . It keeps them focused and busy with one thing they love , '' she
Charity steers clear of Middle East politics 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1998
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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The foundation brought a fully stocked ambulance to Lebanon for use as an emergency vehicle during times of war and as
Arab-Americans fear retaliation; stereotypes 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1998
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
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portray all Arabs or all Muslims in a negative light because of the events overseas . `` Each religion has crazy -
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Orange County , fears that school children will feel ostricized because of their Arab heritage even though they are U If -
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are made to feel like terrorists , they will be confused .... They are very American '' ( The bombings ) -
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are made to feel like terrorists , they will be confused . This is their country ; they are very Americanized -
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view Arabs . She also fears that U.S. retaliation might cause or death who have nothing to do e terrorists .
Daughter of Eli Home founder files complaint 🔗
by Richard Manfredi in 1997
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
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teen-age daughter of the woman who founded a shelter for abused children in Anaheim Hills has filed a written complaint against -
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He said that he voted against ( the permit ) because he was sworn to protect the children of Anaheim , -
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, and he had heard reports that children were being abused inside the home , she said . Lopez , airalice -
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felt the shelter did not fit in its residential location because of complaints of lack of parking and substandard street widths -
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to the conversation . She kept glancing over her shoulder because she was worried about her job , he said .
A chance at a championship 🔗
by Richard Manfredi in 1997
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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s daughter Karina was one of the ones selected . Nowuse my daughter s up there pitching , he said .
City rejects bids by 2 cab com p n 🔗
by Richard Manfredi in 1997
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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construction signs like this one , the caption reads . Because of Anaheim s current $ 550 million revitalization of the
Lopez baclced by group opposing commercial development in Hills 🔗
by Hang Nguyen in 1997
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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testimony from communities throughout the state on their experience on abuse and their opinions about legislation on child abuse . More -
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experience on abuse and their opinions about legislation on child abuse . More recently , Lopez voted with Mayor Tom Daly
West Anaheim plan: 63 things to improve 🔗
by Richard Manfredi in 1997
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
exact 👉
zoning code amendments . City staff hopes to require conditional use permits before opening a thrift store , coin-operated laundries or -
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and by their nature have people milling around , can cause an increase in crime . There are a lot of
Coad cites community, college board experience 🔗
by Hang Nguyen in 1997
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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communications at the University of Phoenix , which has satellite campuses in Fountain Valley and Diamond Bar . She has been
Acaciawood eighth-grader finishes 2nd in national contest 🔗
by Katherine Nguyen in 1997
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
partial 👉
and Writing Contest sponsored by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum . Students nationwide were asked to prepare either written or -
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panel of survivors , educators , artists , writers and museum professionals . Scatterday will receive books about the Holocaust and -
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. Scatterday will receive books about the Holocaust and a Museum Shop gift certificate to be used by her school . -
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the Holocaust and a Museum Shop gift certificate to be used by her school . Members of the Varrio Underhill teann
A 10-year review of trands in apartment sales and prices 🔗
by James Joseph in 1996
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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decade selling apartment buildings , the only word I can use is `` shock . '' A lot of investors lost -
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. I Looking back on the debacle ; I am amused with those who incorrectly predicted that the ; decline was
Coaches, players, others sought for teams throughout city 🔗
by Richard Manfradi in 1996
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
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I would . But many parents seem to think just because their kids work hard they should get a lot of -
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even if he knows he wo n't play much . Because then , if the defense shuts out its opponents next -
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situation . I eventually played tennis in high school , because I was good at it and enjoyed it . If
Mediation dispute of 'reasonable ' work repairs 🔗
by Rose Pothier in 1996
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 6
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mediate the dispute . We did not initial the arbitration clause in the contract . Do we have to go ? -
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an attorney ? It seems like a waste of time because we bought another house . A : If your real -
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seems like a waste of time because we bought another house . A : If your real estate contract provided for -
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a topic of the mediation . The seller is upset because you canceled the contract and he may intend to sue -
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sue you . If you did not sign the arbitration clause in the contract , but did sign the mediation clause -
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clause in the contract , but did sign the mediation clause , you are contractually bound to mediate , but not
Coaches, players, others sought for teams throughout city 🔗
by Richard Manfradi in 1996
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
partial 👉
I would . But many parents seem to think just because their kids work hard they should get a lot of -
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even if he knows he wo n't play much . Because then , if the defense shuts out its opponents next -
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situation . I eventually played tennis in high school , because I was good at it and enjoyed it . If
Growing community 🔗
by DALAL MUHTADI in 1996
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
exact 👉
oil or com oil . Muhtadi believes health-conscious Americans can use Middle Eastern food as a doorway to understanding the Arab -
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space formerly occupied by Sizzler . An adjacent building also houses a Middle Eastern relief organization , the Orange County Arabic -
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religious leaders ) are all men . My community got used to seeing me in situations with all men , ''
Sports town deal his community use element 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1996
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 10
exact 👉
complex will provide $ 100,000 a year for free community use . Just what that use will be has not been -
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a year for free community use . Just what that use will be has not been decided yet . The city -
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yet . The city will negotiate individual terms for community use with each tenant . The city has made no decisions -
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no decisions on which community groups will receive the community use . Tenants will be announced on or before Dec. IS -
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Co. built Disney ICE downtown , the city secured the use of the rink for area schools . The Community Development -
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the city with about $ 300,000 per year in community use . The department monitors the program to make sure that -
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The department monitors the program to make sure that the use is consistent with the contract . `` ( We wanted -
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a meeting place for an organization or dis- > counted use of a facility for underprivileged people . The criteria for -
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for underprivileged people . The criteria for choosing a community use is that it help the most number of people . -
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Over 110,000 children receive free skating lessons . '' Community uses often include allowing an organized community league to play at
Skateboarders find a home on Mondays at First Baptist Church 🔗
by Trafford Templeton in 1996
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
partial 👉
that have areas open to the public that skaters can useBut every Monday night there is a central area in Anaheim -
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like this . '' Skateboarders sometimes have a bad reputation because people have misconceptions about what they are doing , said -
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toskate . '' -The . Tamps -and- rails that are used come from a variety of sources . Some belong to
Growing community 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1996
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
partial 👉
not know how big the Arab-American community in Anaheim is because it is part of the all-encompassing `` other `` category -
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Street . Markets , clothing stores , cafes and restaurants focused on Middle Eastern culture set the Brookhurst shops apart from -
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portray all Arabs or all Muslims in a negative light because of recent events overseas .
Eddie Hoffman, father of 2 major leaguers, dies 🔗
by Lance Pugmire in 1995
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
drinking late at night . He had no hobbies , because he was the epitome of a family man and his
Memorial services lieid for Celia Doughtery 🔗
by Michael Easterbrook in 1995
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
child be seen as capable of learning . She also focused on helping teachers develop full potential through a continuous program
Bingo latest arena in smoking battle 🔗
by Michael Easterbrook in 1995
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
exact 👉
products on all school district property , regard less of use . -
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. After July 1 , smoking again will be prohibited because a federal law goes into effect that prohibits using tobacco
Local history comes alive for students during a visit to city's historic home 🔗
by Michael Easterbrook in 1995
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 6
partial 👉
Anaheim 's Mother Colony House has survived winter floods , earthquakes , Santa Ana winds -
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Ana winds and `` summer brush fires . Now the house is up against thousands of shoes that tread on its -
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with these field trips to whet her students ' appetites because history can be dry at times . `` It 's -
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very excited and interested , '' Teixeira said : The house was built by George Hansen , known as the `` -
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. He was followed by 13 other owners . The house also became the meeting place for 20 years for the -
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one of the more interesting families to have occcupied the house . Newell included a brief discussion of the furnishings ,
Sculpture debuts at the Pond 🔗
by Michael Easterbrook in 1995
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
, '' she said . An anamorph is a device used to clear up a distorted image . Inside the circular
Businesses still optimistic about Disney plans 🔗
by Michael Easterbrook in 1995
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
six parcels of land around Disneyland that would have been used for the originally planned $ 3 billion expansion . Plans
by Michael Easterbrook in 1995
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
`` I have no idea how he 'll vote , because I do n't know who he is , '' said
Police call move way to clean up area, cut crime 🔗
by Michael Easterbrook in 1995
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
she said . But Martin said the ban is needed because the line of cars hides illegal activity . `` Cars -
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outdoor parking lots . Police say the ban is needed because they respond to an average 1,079 calls a year in
Stadium's head usher has seen it all, but he really wants baseball to return 🔗
by Michael Easterbrook in 1995
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
's pride when you work here . People are here because they want to be here , '' Plumberg said . -
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these sudden changes with an with the ease of someone used to change . `` Just think what 's happened to
Lions honor individuals, groups for servie 🔗
by Beth Curtis in 1995
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
from her job at the Coast Community College District . Because her husband was a Lion , she knew about the
Focus on Stanton Volunteers keep library branch going 🔗
by Beth Curtis in 1995
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
exact 👉
the best for the library and the kids ( who use it ) . '' The library support group has been -
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The Friends make money to support all they do with used-book sales . The money goes to both essential and ``
Savanna trustees OK site lease 🔗
by Beth Curtis in 1995
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
elementary school from the district since 1984 . It was used as Stanton 's City Hall until the opening of the
On the beat 🔗
by Lisa O'Neill in 1994
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
'' The streets are a lot more violent than they used to be , he says , adding that violence against
Quake also shatters people's complacency 🔗
by John W Swanson in 1994
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
in case of emergency works . I know that works because I replaced the batteries shortly after a power outage a
by Lisa O'Neill in 1994
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
, Suzanne Gutsch of West Hills and Pam Jackson of Massachusetts ; sons , Thomas , of Rialto , and Jim
Simpson is just another politician 🔗
by John W Swanson in 1994
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
city manager turned councilman says politics is n't his game because , simply , he 's `` too blunt , too -
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of government resort to simply to be re-elected can be nauseating . But it does n't have to be that way
'Full House' 🔗
by Barbara Giasone in 1994
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
five older children . `` We 'll have a full house , `` said great-grandmoter Mody Martinez , who care s
Celebrating 'Double Chai' 🔗
by Lisa O'Neill in 1994
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
the East Coast . `` There was a warm feeling because most of us did not have much family in the -
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other 's families . '' Members then bought a small house on Emily Street and began meeting there . It was
Billiard center's entertainment plan nixed 🔗
by Lisa O'Neill in 1994
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
exact 👉
and ask you to come back with a new conditional use permit . '' But Ornstein protested , saying he could -
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his doors open . His partner has already mortgaged his house , he said . `` For certain , if I
GASTON: 28-year veteran becomes chief 🔗
by Lisa O'Neill in 1994
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
partial 👉
members of the department . He was a role model because he practiced what he preached and so whatever his expectation -
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case now . '' There are more calls for service because there 's a greater reliance placed on the Police Department -
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They will also focus on individuals who are on probation because of previous offenses .
Gaston sworn in as chief 🔗
by Lisa O'Neill in 1994
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
will officially be effective Friday , Gaston was greeted by applause , random cheers and a standing ovation from people gathered
Residents still can recycle their used Christmas trees 🔗
by Lisa O'Neil in 1994
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
Gum in Anaheim . Multi-family residents can also recycle other household items , such as aluminiumcans , newspapers , glass , -
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Trees collected through RECYCLE program will be processed into mulch used for landscaping . For more information on the Christmas tree
Professionals taking classes on environment 🔗
by Anne M. Peterson in 1993
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
exact 👉
specializing in hazardous waste are often hired by businesses that use or emit chemical byproducts . Chapman University 's Environmental Sciences -
partial 👉
Fullerton did n't have an Environmental Studies Program , but because of demand , it now offers a master 's degree
Request for nude cabaret struck down a second time 🔗
by David Heitz in 1993
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
exact 👉
Theater at 1210 S. State College Blvd . a conditional use permit for nude dancing . Councilman Fred Hunter was absent -
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ban adult spots from opening unless they violate a land use . He said that when a city denies a permit -
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the framers of the Constitution ever dreamed that people would use the First Amendment to defend the existence of nude cabarets -
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the businesses will not `` adversely affect '' adjoining land uses . Diamond said judges in federal courtrooms have ruled against
Request for nude cabaret struck down a second time 🔗
by David Heitz in 1993
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
exact 👉
Theater at 1210 S. State College Blvd . a conditional use permit for nude dancing . Councilman Fred Hunter was absent -
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ban adult spots from opening unless they violate a land use . He said that when a city denies a permit -
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the framers of the Constitution ever dreamed that people would use the First Amendment to defend the existence of nude cabarets -
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the businesses will not `` adversely affect '' adjoining land uses . Diamond said judges in federal courtrooms have ruled against
Officials hiope to snag $2 miliion for youth jobs 🔗
by David Heitz in 1993
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
1 million , which included additional funding that we received because of the ( Los Angeles ) riots . '' A -
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in Anaheim . '' The $ 2.2 million would be used to subsidize the salaries of JTPA employees , who work
Living green 🔗
by David Heitz in 1993
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
residents , particularly the baby boomers who head today 's households , a deteriorating environment used to seem as far away -
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boomers who head today 's households , a deteriorating environment used to seem as far away as the gang problem in
Living green 🔗
by David Heitz in 1993
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
residents , particularly the baby boomers who head today 's households , a deteriorating environment used to seem as far away -
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boomers who head today 's households , a deteriorating environment used to seem as far away as the gang problem in
Thoughtful debate will determine future of Disney resort 🔗
by Johnw Swanson in 1993
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
pave the way to the future not only for the amusement park but for the city as well . Its detractors
Buick tops hit list of favorites among car thieves, police say 🔗
by Terri Vermeulen in 1992
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
exact 👉
Do n't be intimidated by gang members or others who use scare tactics to threaten witnesses not to testify . Intimidation -
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police often recover cars when anti-theft devices have n't been used . `` The greatest impact is to take your keys -
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on exterior doors and doors that connect garages with your house . Secure sliding glass doors , which are an easy
Competitive defines Pinewood Derby, club 🔗
by Brett Sporich in 1992
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
near downtown , club directors want to establish a central clubhouse with room for a gym and maybe a pool .
History lesson 🔗
by David HeHz in 1992
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
partial 👉
tell you that it is . It is the Anaheim Museum a place where old-timers , newcomers and visitors can find -
partial 👉
dumb , '' said Charlotte Brady , president of the museum 's board of trustees . Apparently , some Anaheim residents -
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a while . It moved in the 1960s . The museum building was built for $ 10,000 in 1908 with a
Phoenix Club rises anew 🔗
by Dave Heitz in 1992
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
River by German immigrants knocked down the German-American association s clubhouse to make way for the $ 103 million arena . -
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s seven acres of land and disco decostyle , old clubhouse , the city gave the club $ 8.1 million .
Mayor in the making? 🔗
by Dave Heitz in 1992
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
Bush has outstanding qualifications for his job at the White House . Perhaps the same could be said about Tom Daly -
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lobbying group . Here 's the best part when Mickey Mouse and friends decided to locate in Anaheim when Disneyland was
Ex-parks superintendent crowned anti-gang czar 🔗
by Brett Sporich in 1992
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
government organizations to better utilize programs that are available but underused . As far as we can determine , this is
Disagreements, opinions welcomed and encouraged 🔗
by Don J. Clever in 1992
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
exact 👉
to attain one 's objectives . Political government entails the use of aggressive force in organization , financing and execution , -
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to be strong , self-reliant and responsible . While we use this page to present these philosophical viewpoints , the page -
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no means our property alone . It is for the use of our readers , too . Some of you , -
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opinions expressed on this page by the editorial board basically espouse the philosophy of the late R.C . Hoiles , founder -
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actions which deprive others of these same rights . He refused to recognize that political government , as opposed by self-government
Group gambles on casino night to fund mobile command center for emergencies 🔗
by Terri Vermeuien in 1992
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
will soon be exchanged for one of the city 's used Bookmobiles , which will better serve the department 's needs
Mini-bus line carrying iight loads 🔗
by Brett Sporich in 1992
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
Maybe it 's because it 's new or that few know about it , -
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they advertise this route ? '' Steinhour asked . `` Because it seems nobody knows about it . '' Anaheim 's
Battle over street vendors hits new pitch 🔗
by Brett Sporich in 1992
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
the popular television shows `` Roseanne '' and `` Full House '' combined . You might call it the `` Battle
Battle over street vendors hits new pitch 🔗
by Brett Sporich in 1992
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
the popular television shows `` Roseanne '' and `` Full House '' combined . You might call it the `` Battle
History lesson 🔗
by David HeHz in 1992
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
partial 👉
tell you that it is . It is the Anaheim Museum a place where old-timers , newcomers and visitors can find -
partial 👉
dumb , '' said Charlotte Brady , president of the museum 's board of trustees . Apparently , some Anaheim residents -
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a while . It moved in the 1960s . The museum building was built for $ 10,000 in 1908 with a
Bush says only poor health would stop re-election bid 🔗
by Michael Wines in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
partial 👉
Soviet Union , were aimed at Democrats who this week accused him of abandoning social and financial problems at home for -
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thyroid problems he experienced in the spring . The White House later said Bush had been examined by his doctor , -
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presidential retreat in Camp David , Md . The White House press office declined to disclose who would attend that meeting -
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veterans of his 1981 and 1984 races for the White House would go to Camp David . They included Robert Teeter -
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Nicholas F. Brady ; Ronald Kauf- man , a White House staff member and political adviser .
9 year old arrested with squirt gun part of crime wave 🔗
by Mitchell Landsberg in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
it landed in her yard on April 12 . She refuses to give it back . Her court hearing is Friday -
partial 👉
is Friday , and she could be jailed if she refuses to pay a fine . What 's going on here
Bush backs Gorbachev's efforts to maintain unity 🔗
by Brian Friedman in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
sort of murder will never happen again . '' He used the stop here in the Ukraine as a platform to
Morbid curiosity 🔗
by Vik Jolly in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
there was any ceremony or ritual going on inside the house . '' Alejos and Nalaina Sunt , 18 , of -
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on bail . Investigators found the inside of Alejos ' house decorated with dark curtains , little lighting and drawings of
Shamir agrees to talks 🔗
by Barry Schweid in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
we heard from Mr. Shamir is a real yes , because it is with a condition , '' said Faisal Husseini
City, Marriott join to offer job training 🔗
by Terri Vermeulen in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
jobs at Marriott hotels . `` It is not just housekeeping positions , '' said Iris Murray , regional manager for -
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n't realize what goes on in the back of a house in a hotel , how many departments it takes to
Park residents still angered by fireworks 🔗
by Anne M. Peterson in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
partial 👉
two weeks ago saying the fireworks are a public nuisance because of debris that falls down and damages their vehicles . -
partial 👉
stopped using 8-inch shells that pyrotechnicians determined to be the cause of the fallout , the RV park residents are less -
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he said . `` But it has n't changed ( because of the claims adjusters ) . It irritates me . -
partial 👉
the claims adjusters ) . It irritates me . Just because they 're Disneyland , it does n't give them the -
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think they 've done but we want a continuous solution because it 's going to be a continuous problem . ``
A costly golf game and other firn 🔗
by Tim Sosbe in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
, the officials adjourned to the annual golf party with Mouseland folks , this year at Anaheim Hills Country Club .
Israeli Cabinet OKs peace talks 🔗
by Henry Kamm in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
members of the Likud Party . The hardline housing minister accused his leader of h '' fixed '' the outcome with
Search for Jaycee 🔗
by Vik Jolly in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
exact 👉
nearly $ 12,000 was collected . The organizers hope to use to the money to publicize Jaycee 's kidnapping . An
Friends stunned by teen's death 🔗
by Andrew Silva in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
stitches , but was known as `` Rose Bowl '' because he always played as if it were the Rose Bowl