Ebell Club celebrates 33 years, announces donations

By Sharon Hlapclch, in 2017

The Ebell Club of Canyon Hills is celebrating its 33rd anniversary. At a recent luncheon meeting all past presidents of the club were recognized, including Judy Dougal, Linda. Bird, Mary Sprague, Beverly Nihei, Shari Cipolla, Bonnie Duckworth. Dee Fisher, Linda Seymour, Becky Rice, Charlyn Barton, Judi Sepulveda, Mary Hovland, Sharon Woodward, Mai Hinwood, Elaine Moulden, Linda Schleiger, Joan Coy, Pam Starr, Linda Lewis, Donna Prize, Claudia Thiel man n, Maxine Shaner, Jayne O Toole, Barbara Landreth, Susan Harker, Sherye .Ayres and. Jackie Evett. Club President Heather TerJung led the short business meeting consisting of membership, social and fundraising updates. First Vice President, Philanthropy Judi Sepulveda announced donation checks will be given to several ph.ilanthropi.es. The Community Service Program, which provides short-term crisis intervention, intensive counseling and. shelter to runaway, homeless and at-risk youths ages 1,1 to 17 years of age, will receive $1,390 toward, a new shelteron High s A. cappella Choir will receive a check for $1,278; the Anaheim Hills Community Council will, receive $765 to help support, the Fourth of July Community Celebration; and Knots of Love, a group that makes and distributes chemo caps to cancer patients and blankets to babies in incubators, will receive $715. My Day Counts, which provides opportunities for adults with disabilities, will receive $665. Placentia Yorba Meals on Wheels will receive $31.0 for its home meal deliveries to homebound elderly and disabilities individuals. The meeting culminated 'with, a birthday cake celebration. Frying up Lenten dinners The Knights of Columbus of San, Antonio Church is sponsoring a Lenten Fish Fry fundraiser in the church's Glynn Hall on. Friday evenings during Lent except Good Friday Doors open, at. 5:30 p.m., and the community is invited. This always-popular event features fish dinners starting at $8 for adults and $4.50 for kids 12 and. under. The Knights of Columbus chefs, known for linary skills, will once again cook up the delicious dinners. Proceeds benefit the various charities supported by the Knights of Columbus, Some of these include: Mary s Shelter, Grandma s House of Hope. Isaiah House and Mary s Kitchen. Book discussions for kids and adults Canyon Hills library will host a. Book Buzz Hour for kids in fifth through. 12th grades from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. on March. 28 at the branch. This is an opportunity to talk, eat. And have fun sharing the latest buzz about hooks. There is no charge to attend. That Tuesday Talk and Treats adult book discussion is scheduled for noon on. March 28 in the library s multi-purpose room and t"The Sellout by Paul Beatty. Refreshments are provided by Friends of Canyon Hills Library. The East Anaheim Lib day Talks and Treats at noon on March 30 in. the Sycamore Room in. the East Anaheim. Community Center (next door to the library'). A discussion, is planned for The Book of Night Women. by Marion. James. Refreshments are provided. Bag books for a buck. The East. Anaheim Library will offer a buck-abag used, book sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., on Saturday, March 18 at the branch. This is a great way to purchase books at bargain prices and help support library programs at the same time. Helping local vets Don McPeck, a military veteran and owner of Orange County-based food truck Mess Hall Canteen, believes in paying it forward by giving back to the veteran community, as well as various local charities. McPeck does this through the sale of specially designed T-shirts, by donating tips and by providing employment to veterans. Along with nonprofit lender Opportunity Fund, which provl businesses in Orange County, McPeck encourages giving to Patriots and Paws. This nonprofit organization helps veterans and their families in Anaheim as well as other local communities with basic home furnishings and matches them up with a rescued companionship.