Lopez baclced by group opposing commercial development in Hills
The Concerned Citizens of the Canyon, a group formed to oppose commercial development proposed for Anaheim Hills, is supporting Councilman Lou Lopez s bid for county supervisor. The group has endorsed Lopez, who also works at the Anaheim Police Department, in his race against Cynthia Coad, a member of the North Orange County Com munity College District board. So far, every issue they brought (to my attention), I agree with, Lopez said. Those issues include plans to build a commercial center on the Maag Ranch property, the county s plans for a commercial airport at the El Toro base, and the city s plans for a community center at the Anaheim Memorial Medical Plaza on Santa Ana Canyon Road. Lopez, one of four council members who live in the Hills, said he would have voted against the revised Maag Ranch project proposed by GMEk development if the project had not been withdrawn from the city the day before City Council was to have voted on it June 23. The mostly comnta Ana Canyon Road. Had the council considered the project on June 23 vote would have been the deciding factor since the other four council members were split in their votes. He said his job as councilman is to do the best thing for the city and in that instance the resident opinions were a factor. The residents have a tremendous influence, he said. The grow is also against turning the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station into an airport. If elected, Lopez said he will continue to be an advocate for children. The state commission gathered testimony from communities throughout the state on their experience on abuse and their opinions about legislation on child abuse. More recently, Lopez voted with Mayor Tom Daly and Councilwoman Shirley McCracken to deny a local children s shelter and counseling center a permit to continue operating. ELECTION INFORMATION .The filing period for all local offices scheduled for the Nov. 3 general election continues through Aug. 7. Prospective candidates fats should contact City Clerk LeeSohl at 765-5166 for information. City Council seats held by Bob Zemel and Lou Lopez and Mayor Tom Daly's seat are on the ballot. Those interested in running for school boards and special districts can contact the county. Four seats are up on the Anaheim City School District board and three seats each on the Anaheim Union High, Magnolia and Savanna school district boards. The November general election will be Nov. 3. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sample ballots will be mailed Oct. 5. They will indude the text of the ballot measure, arguments for and against the measure and their rebuttals.