'Full House'
Bonnie Martinez , who grabbed county headline s in 1961 when a California Highway Patrolman barely beat the stork at her birth, is in the news again. Now a grandmother at 32, Martine z delivered Martin Luther Hospital's first twins born in 1994 on Jan. 8. A single parent, Martinez , of Anaheim , has five older children. "We'll have a full house, " said great-grandmoter Mody Martinez , who care s for he r daughter's family at her Anaheim residence . "At least she got to the hospital on time. " Mody Martinez , mother of seven, had a hairraising experienc e before Bonnie's birth when she and he r husband ran out of gas enroute to Anaheim Memoria l Hospital in 1961. "My husband was running up the street to a phone booth when a CHP office r spotted him, picked him up and brought him back to our car.