Four qualify in election for mayor

By Karlie Reiss, in 2002

Four candidates have qualified for the Nov. 5 ballot to replace Mayor Tom Daly, whose term expires at the end of the year. Daly is unable to run because of term limits. The candidates who have qualified for the ballot are Councilman Frank Feldhaus, Councilwoman Lucille Kring, former assemblyman Curt Pringle and former La Habra police chief Steve Staveley. Businessman George Nielsen has been disqualified. City Clerk Sheryll Schroeder said Nielsen, who filed his paperwork on Friday, submitted 21 signatures on the nominating petition. Of those 21, only 16 were registered voters - four short of the 20 signatures required to get on the ballot. The application deadline for two City Council seats was extended until 5 p.m. Wednesday because Kring and Feldhaus chose to run for mayor. As of 9 a.m. Wednesday, 12 people have filed papers to run for the two seats on the ballot. Three seats each are up for election on the boards for the Anaheim Union High, Anaheim City, Magnolia, Savanna and Centralia school districts. In Anaheim City, Centralia and Savanna, only the incumbents have filed. In Anaheim Union, the three incumbents are joined by nine challengers, while one challenger is on the ballot in the Magnolia district. See page 7. Check The Orange County Register or go to for updated information on City Council candidates. A full list of City Council candidates will appeal- next week.