Orange schools help the needy

By ANDREA MILLS, in 2011

It is heartening to hear about the myriad service projects enacted by local students, and the hours they donate to help improve the iyes of the less fortunate. Junior and Cadette Girl Scout Woops 6 and 443 baked 99 loaves of pumpkin bread for the Orange Meals on Wheels recipients and Senior Center. ANDREA MILLS FOR THE REGISTER HOLY FAMILY CATHEDRAL SCHOOL For their service project, Mrs. Sarak Ckristiaa's second gradeclass went gleaning. The children picked broccoli and other vegetables at The Incredible Edible Park in Irvine. Those vegetables were donated to the Second Harvest Food Bank, where they could be distributed to needy people throughout Orange County. As an ongoing service project, each month the second graders donate money to Second Harvest Food Bank. The students earn the money themselves bydoing chores at home, or for other form My members. EL MODENA HIGH SCHOOL The El Modena Vanguards have several holiday drives to benefit disadvantages members of the community. The Canned Foodquesting donations through Friday, Dec. 16. The Associated Stadeit Body is selling Air-Pets, helium-filled animal balloons, to benefit children in foster care at Orange school numbers wood Children s Home. The ASB is also hosting the annual Angel Tag Gift Drive to benefit some of die 6,000-plus children whose parents contact the Salvation are of Orange County for holiday assistance. ASB members decorated two campus trees with Angel Tags that listed a boy or girl by age, and suggested appropriate gifts. Participants take a tag, and return it with a gift, to place under the tree. COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF ORANGE The Community Foundation of Orange made a $2,000 donation to the Athletic Department for athletic scholarships. Board Member Larry Cohn, also the Kids Playchair, made the presentation at a school-wide assembly. The KidsPlay was developed to provide financial assistance for youth recreational sports. The Foundation has expanded its scope to also include high school sports, citing economic hardship.onation to Orange High is first made to a high school The donated funds are raised through contributions from individuals and businesses, and must be used for registration fees or equipment. The number of donations made per year depends on donation received, and need. Thus far, the Foundation has helped about 250 students play recreational sports. For more information, contact Executive Director Susie Cunningham at community foundation of orange VILU RARK HIGH SCHOOL The Villa Phrk High School 2011 Century League Football Champions are selling 2012 calendars. Ube calendars feature fun pictures of the varsity players, capturing the team they exhibited all season. The calendar also includes dates for allvarsity sporting events for 2012 season, plus several discounts from local merchants.