Diplomats seek House passes jobless benefits bill BCO payments
ABU DHABI, U nited Arab Amirates Abu Dhabi has benn diplomatic efforts to recover about S2 billion in loans owed the mk of Credit and Commerce 1 n emotional by Arab tycoons aud other debtors, bankers said Friday. Sheik Zayed al-Nahyan, history ernnient and members of his royal family hold 77.4 percent of shares in the scandal-plagued'nk, whose global transactions a e been tainted by accusations ' terrorist links and massive fraud In one such effort to recover funds. KingHassan II of Moeco dispatched his crown tance on Abu Dhabi s behalf to Saudi King Fahd to pressure Saudi businessmen to pay back a reported $1.2 billion, said the Arab and Western bankers, speaking on condition of anonymity. BCCI s debtors include gulf merchants, sheiks and Pakistani lusinessmen, said the bankers, who had access to information from bank regulators involved in the case and from a partial list of BCC'I s debtors included in a engthy audit by the U.S. firm Price Waterhouse. Touche Ross, the Londnted to liquidate Bed, asked a federal vinkruptcy court judge to proud the bank s assets from anxplosion of competing claims. It seeks an injunction in U.S. Bankuptcy Court in Manhattan gainst all pending actionigainst He promised to pay $85 million to B C d employees and depositors in England and W ales, and pledged reim bursem ents in P a kistan. On Friday, the French Bankng Association de