Search Results for "taxi"
Total frequency: 12
City rejects bids by 2 cab com p n 🔗
by Richard Manfredi in 1997
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 12
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be down during the next two to three years , taxi cab companies still believe Anaheim is a prime area for -
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Anaheim . But the council voted 3-2 against adding new taxi cab services , echoing the recommendations of city staff , -
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, which said there isn t a need for additional taxi service . Mayor Tom Daly and Councilman Lou Lopez supported -
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have been complaints to the Visitor and Convention Bureau about taxi cab service and there haven t been , said John -
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also said the city maintaihotels in Anaheim about the current taxi situation . If there have been any problems , they -
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to convince the council there was a need for more taxi service in Anaheim . South Coast Cab wanted permits to -
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taxis . City staff had volunteers makes six calls for taxi cab service with the two companies currently in Anaheim , -
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service with the two companies currently in Anaheim , A Taxi Cab and Yellow Cab , and record the response times -
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cabs and Coast Yellow Cab wanted to have 30 permitted taxis . Karen Clark , a representative from South Coast Cab -
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staff last December as proof of a need for more taxis . City staff had volunteers makes six calls for taxi -
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Lopez said if there isn t a need for more taxis , then companies would not be coming forward to try -
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to enforce what we have now , he said . Taxis that are permitted to make pick-ups in Anaheim have to