Search Results for "swat"
Total frequency: 7
August events designed to make Analieim safer 🔗
by BILL RAMS in 2013
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
exact 👉
aspects of policing with crowd-pleasing demonstrations by the K-9 , SWAT and Angel helicopter units . It also featured outstanding examples
Anaheim mourns officer killed in Iraq 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2003
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
exact 👉
'' he said . Smith , a member of the SWAT team , was also a member of the Marine 's -
exact 👉
at Camp Pendleton . `` Anytime one of our ( SWAT ) teams was down there training and mentioned Smith 's
Mayor's proposal revises campaign finance rules 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2003
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
exact 👉
'' he said . Smith , a member of the SWAT team , was also a member of the Marine 's -
exact 👉
at Camp Pendleton . `` Anytime one of our ( SWAT ) teams was down there training and mentioned Smith 's
Anaheim mourns officer killed in Iraq 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2003
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
exact 👉
'' he said . Smith , a member of the SWAT team , was also a member of the Marine 's -
exact 👉
at Camp Pendleton . `` Anytime one of our ( SWAT ) teams was down there training and mentioned Smith 's