Search Results for "standiford"
Total frequency: 4
Euclid is most complained about street in city 🔗
by Lisa O'Neil in 2004
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
exact 👉
poor coordination of traffic signals , said OCTA spokesman John Standiford . The most calls in Anaheim have been about Euclid -
exact 👉
that they always have to stop at every light , Standiford said . OCTA also has received calls about the intersection
Euclid is most complained about street in city 🔗
by Lisa O'Neil in 1994
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
exact 👉
poor coordination of traffic signals , said OCTA spokesman John Standiford . The most calls in Anaheim have been about Euclid -
exact 👉
that they always have to stop at every light , Standiford said . OCTA also has received calls about the intersection