Search Results for "rodriguez"
Total frequency: 9
Accidentally in the big leagues 🔗
by David Jerome in 2019
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
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a gum card goof involving a hometown boy . Aurelio Rodriguez s 1969 Topps baseball card actually shows the image of -
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players , including Jose Cardinal , Ruben Amaro and Aurelio Rodriguez , the Angels third baseman , a19-year-old September call-up . -
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the right field line at Tiger Stadium playing catch with Rodriguez when they were both approached by legendary baseba their names
A chance at a championship 🔗
by Richard Manfredi in 1997
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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Loveless had a double , whiel Sellars , Hogue , Rodriguez , Deleon , Warden , BelangeAnaheim . AUTORAQNG Butch Gilliland
Early morning crash leaves two men dead 🔗
by LoriAnn Basheda in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
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Sandoval and the driver of the truck , 21-year-old Raul Rodriguez . John Bowers , 19 , also a Katella graduate -
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the passengers where thrown from the vehicle . Police say Rodriguez was exceeding the speed limit when the accident occurred . -
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after midnight . Neither did police have any details about Rodriguez or Gonzalez . Sandoval , Bowers and the other unidentified
Friends stunned by teen's death 🔗
by Andrew Silva in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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since they were in elementary school . Sandoval and Raul Rodriguez , 21 , were killed Thursday morning when the stolen -
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21 , were killed Thursday morning when the stolen truck Rodriguez was driving crashed on State College Boulevard . Also injured