Search Results for "jerusalem"
Total frequency: 15
Charity steers clear of Middle East politics 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1998
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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countries ' conflicts . Dalai Muhtadi , owner of the Jerusalem International Restaurant , is one of the foundation 's board
Growing community 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1998
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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Arabs . A center of Arab-American social activity is the Jerusalem International Restaurant at 808 S. Brookhurst St. Dalai Muhtadi , -
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meetings over stuffed grape leaves on the patio , the Jerusalem has an `` Everyone comes to Rick 's '' quality
Garden Church recreates landmarks from Jerusalem 🔗
by Hang Nguyen in 1997
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
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build an indoor outdoor chapel to resemble biblical landmarks in Jerusalem . In the beginning of August , he and the -
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when he realized Southern California s climate resembles that in Jerusalem . Church members such as Cindy Maddox are excited about -
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Some people don t have the means to go to Jerusalem . Soon , people can go there and see Jesus -
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beginnings , said Maddox , who s never been to Jerusalem , but would like to go . The constnictimi includes -
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built . The idea was spariced by church trips to Jerusalem . Crow has not received any opposition to the construction
Growing community 🔗
by DALAL MUHTADI in 1996
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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Arabs . A center of Arab-American social activity is the Jerusalem International Restaurant at 808 S. Brookhurst St. Dalai Muhtadi , -
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meetings over stuffed grape leaves on the patio , the Jerusalem has an `` Everyone comes to Rick 's '' quality
Shamir agrees to talks 🔗
by Barry Schweid in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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JERUSALEM Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir accepted on Thursday a U.S. -
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men there ; there will be no residents of east Jerusalem and there will be no people from the Palestinian diaspora
Israeli Cabinet OKs peace talks 🔗
by Henry Kamm in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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JERUSALEM Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir 's Cabinet gave resounding approval on -
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members of the Palestine Liberation Organization or residents of East Jerusalem , which Israel has annexed .
Baker seeking to draw Palestinians to talks 🔗
by Serge Schmemann in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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first met for four hours with three prominent Palestinians in Jerusalem , then flew to the Jordanian capital , Amman ,