Search Results for "hotline"
Total frequency: 6
Euclid is most complained about street in city 🔗
by Lisa O'Neil in 2004
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
exact 👉
the most complaints from Anaheim residents who have called a hotline to complain about too many red lights on the county -
exact 👉
about 25 calls about Anaheim streets and intersections on a hotline set up to gather complaints about the poor coordination of -
exact 👉
OCTA has received more than 300 calls since beginning the hotline before Thanskgiving . OCTA plans on collecting the data and
Euclid is most complained about street in city 🔗
by Lisa O'Neil in 1994
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
exact 👉
the most complaints from Anaheim residents who have called a hotline to complain about too many red lights on the county -
exact 👉
about 25 calls about Anaheim streets and intersections on a hotline set up to gather complaints about the poor coordination of -
exact 👉
OCTA has received more than 300 calls since beginning the hotline before Thanskgiving . OCTA plans on collecting the data and