Search Results for "description"
Total frequency: 4
Beloved school crossing guard dies at 76 🔗
by Diane Reed in 2005
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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car in her crosswalk , she gave police a full description of the vehicle , including a key an identifying mark
Yorba Linda seeking to annex soundwall area 🔗
by Diane Reed in 2001
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 3
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area is `` north of Esperanza Road . '' That description was inaccurate . Russell Maguire , Anaheim deputy city engineer -
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Mary McCloskey , deputy planning director , challenged the project description as being different than the map included with it . -
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map included with it . Anaheim requested that the project description be corrected to include the area south of Esperanza Road