Search Results for "caller"
Total frequency: 13
More violence shelters are welcoming pets to encourage owners to come seek safety 🔗
by Jeong Park in 2019
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
question kept coming . We were seeing more and more callers who would say they can t come to the shelter
City warns about phony workers seeking access, money 🔗
by ART MARROQUIN in 2014
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
allows them to falsely display the city s name on caller-identification systems . Some residen Dot MoneyPaks from local stores and
Euclid is most complained about street in city 🔗
by Lisa O'Neil in 2004
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
, north of Lincoln Avenue , he said . Those callers complain that they always have to stop at every light
Coaches, players, others sought for teams throughout city 🔗
by Richard Manfradi in 1996
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
with games on Sundays . HUNTING0 . The California Varmit Callers offers information about predator calling . For information , write -
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about predator calling . For information , write to Varmit Callers , P.O . Box 18232 , Anaheim 92807 VOLLEYBALL Adult
Coaches, players, others sought for teams throughout city 🔗
by Richard Manfradi in 1996
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
partial 👉
with games on Sundays . HUNTING0 . The California Varmit Callers offers information about predator calling . For information , write -
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about predator calling . For information , write to Varmit Callers , P.O . Box 18232 , Anaheim 92807 VOLLEYBALL Adult
Euclid is most complained about street in city 🔗
by Lisa O'Neil in 1994
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
, north of Lincoln Avenue , he said . Those callers complain that they always have to stop at every light
A costly golf game and other firn 🔗
by Tim Sosbe in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 5
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afford time off for a round of golf . The caller also thought it seemed strange , and wondered if those -
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over money for green fees . After all , the caller said , why should taxpayers pay for employees to play -
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you know about something like that transpiring , '' the caller said . `` They meet in time of crisis on -
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play golf before the day is gone . '' The caller also praised Mayor Pro Tem Bill Ehrle , who changed -
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deported himself like a truly effective politician , '' the caller said . `` He realized the vox populi had spoken