Search Results for "burton"
Total frequency: 3
Council delays debate on term limits 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2018
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
exact 👉
to conduct road way improvements between Orangethorpe Avenue and Via Burton Street . Approximately $ 100,000 in federal funds are set
Council delays debate on term limits 🔗
by Eleeza V. Agopian in 2005
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
exact 👉
to conduct road way improvements between Orangethorpe Avenue and Via Burton Street . Approximately $ 100,000 in federal funds are set
Bush says only poor health would stop re-election bid 🔗
by Michael Wines in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
exact 👉
later said Bush had been examined by his doctor , Burton Lee , and pronounced in `` excellent health . ''