Search Results for "arbitration"
Total frequency: 13
Measure A effort to end fire contract negotiations 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 2000
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 10
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a measure for the November ballot that calls for impartial arbitration of labor disputes between the city and the Fire Department -
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to prohibit strikes and adopt a method of binding impartial arbitration when good faith negotiations do not result in an agreement -
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result in an agreement . The measure calls for an arbitration board made up of three members one picked by the -
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by the city , concluded that the potential advantages of arbitration are a possible improvement in empl '' by providing a -
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finality in the negotiation process . The disadvantages are that arbitration discourages good-faith negotiations , prevents elected officials from making final -
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, could cost between $ 100,000 to $ 200,000 per arbitration , increase salaries and wages and impacts terms of employment -
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vote or voted down all three proposals . Hill believes arbitration will not benefit either party . `` I have of -
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them , '' Hill said . Hill also believes that arbitration places negotiations in the hands of people with no accountability -
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Chavez said . He cites the city 's use of arbitration in rights disputes as an example of how the process -
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. Since striking would endanger the public , Chavez feels arbitration would be the best tool for the association in its
Forum for mayor,council candidates at chamber mixer tonight 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1996
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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the city 's firefighters in their effort to force binding arbitration in contract negotiations with the city . In school board
Mediation dispute of 'reasonable ' work repairs 🔗
by Rose Pothier in 1996
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
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to mediate the dispute . We did not initial the arbitration clause in the contract . Do we have to go -
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to sue you . If you did not sign the arbitration clause in the contract , but did sign the mediation