Search Results for "allergies"
Total frequency: 7
Choosing the right food for your pet important to health 🔗
by Roger Bierstedf in 2002
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 7
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'' The answer is probably not. , , , Food allergies in cats are extremely rare , extremely difficult to manage -
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changing to another commercial diet . Dogs can experience food allergies . Food can play a role in allergies , but -
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experience food allergies . Food can play a role in allergies , but most allergies in dogs are multi-factorial and rarely -
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Food can play a role in allergies , but most allergies in dogs are multi-factorial and rarely attributable to food alone -
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strongly possible it was coincidental . The hallmark of food allergies is that they are non-seasonal , itching lasts year round -
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. Almost every commercial diet contains proteins that can cause allergies including beef , pork , chicken , lamb , wheat -
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barley , daily by-products . The list is endless . Allergies are caused by repeated exposure to a foreign protein and