Search Results for "67"
Total frequency: 17
Accidentally in the big leagues 🔗
by David Jerome in 2019
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 4
partial 👉
in 1966 and as the team s assistant clubby in 1967-68.In 1967 , Garcia was 18 . Because he could speak -
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1966 and as the team s assistant clubby in 1967-68.In 1967 , Garcia was 18 . Because he could speak Spanish -
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the team . And when the Angels closed out the 1967 season in Detroit with two doubleheaders in two days , -
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our names , Garcia remembered . In the winter of 1967-68 , the newly formed Major League Baseball Players Association wanted
Owner dials back rent hike after protests 🔗
by Jeong Park in 2019
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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at least negotiating with us , said Lupe Ramirez , 67 , a five-year resident of the park . We have
Owner dials back rent hike after protests 🔗
by Jeong Park in 2019
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
exact 👉
at least negotiating with us , said Lupe Ramirez , 67 , a five-year resident of the park . We have
New development preserves 1920s home 🔗
by Heather Mcrea in 2010
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
, and the other larger homes are in the $ 679,000 to $ 699,000 range , Evanisko said . The developer
184 fllours are offered as short sales 🔗
by NANCY DAVIS in 2009
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
days on the market NANCY DAVIS HOUSING CONDOS Available : 167 REOs:12 Short sales : 93 short sales Lowest price :
by NANCY DAVIS in 2009
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
Jollibee are connected , but have separate entrances . Roughly 670 Jollibee restaurants operate worldwide , with a bulk of the
by NANCY DAVIS in 2009
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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Jollibee are connected , but have separate entrances . Roughly 670 Jollibee restaurants operate worldwide , with a bulk of the
District, teachers agree to contract 🔗
by OLIVIA MACIEL in 2007
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 2
exact 👉
charges , leaving employees with families to pay between $ 67 and $ 80 a month . The teachers wanted to -
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TEACHER S UNION PRESIDENT have had to pay between $ 67 and $ 80 a month , depending on the coverage
Growing community 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1998
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
drop-in basis . The Oak Canyon Nature Center is at 6700 E. Walnut Canyon Road . Visual Services Inc. will be
Growing community 🔗
by Amy Diaz in 1998
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
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drop-in basis . The Oak Canyon Nature Center is at 6700 E. Walnut Canyon Road . Visual Services Inc. will be
Savanna trustees OK site lease 🔗
by Beth Curtis in 1995
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
the state to have a school named after her in 1967 . The anticipated annual income for Stanton is $ 60,000
A costly golf game and other firn 🔗
by Tim Sosbe in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
partial 👉
Anyone interested in joining me should call me Monday at 634-1567 . Finally , a non-controversial item . The Ringling Brothers
Bush says only poor health would stop re-election bid 🔗
by Michael Wines in 1991
Published in Anaheim Bulletin
Frequency: 1
exact 👉
he was extraordinarily `` blessed '' for a man of 67 . The remarks , his first since his return from