Journals provide pictures of the past
There s a certain level of peace Andy Alison said he feels when he reads his great grandfther s journals. Dr. .James Hovey Bullard, one of Anaheim s earliest residents, tells in the journals about life in Anaheim, Orange County and Los Angeles in the 1880s. Bullard was the city s primary doctor and he served as the personal doctor of famous actress Madame Helena Modjeska. He was also a savvy real estate investor, who once owned the land in downtown Los Angeles where the "He d write about the elections or how he received a chicken as a payment for helping someone s broken leg, said Alison, 59, of Laguna Beach. Reading the diaries, it s a fabulous experience. It feels like I am there. And now, Alison is sharing his great grandfather s personal diaries and medical journals with the public online. In 2015, Alison donated to the Anaheim Heritage Center a trove of more than 40' of Bullard s journals, medical diaries, patient records, photographs, Aim and other keepsakes that provide a glimpse of Anaheim s early history. But it s only recently that some of his dona"This is a very important connection to the founding families like the Lagenbergers and Schmidts, said. Jane Newell, heritage services manager for the Anaheim Public Lib