Workshop offered on college grant applications
Event will help high school seniors prepare for Cal Grant applications. A Cash for College workshop is scheduled at Anaheim High School for Jan. 29. State Assemblyman Tom Daly, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez and Anaheim High are inviting high school seniors to attend to help them apply for a Cal G rant before the M arch 3 deadline. The event has registration at 5:30 p.m. and the program begins at 6 p.m. There also is a senior graduation kickoff event at 4:30 p.m. There are specific income qualifications and a CPA of 2.0 or higher to guarantee financial assistance through Cal Grant. SERVICE CLUB TO ENJOY ENTERTAINMENT The Ebell Club will present Erika Miller, a singer and performer from the Chance Theater, at its I p.m. Feb. 2 luncheon. Ebell is celebrating 107 years - it is one of the oldest community service organizations in the city. Its recent Feed the Pig Christmas project was successful in providing gifts, clothing and toys for 13 children from five families in Anaheim. NEIGHBORHOODS MEEP Anaheim Quarterly Neighborhood Meetings offer residents the opportunity to speak directly with staff in order to ask questions and offer suggestions, address concerns and to learn ways to improve neighborhoods. The meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to attend and encouraged to participate. The East Neighborhood Council will meet at 7 tonight at Canyon Hills Library, 400 S. Scout Trail. On Wednesday, the Central Neighborhood Council will meet at 7 p.m. at the Down town Community Center, 250 E. Center St. The South Neighborhood Council will meet at 7 p.m. on Jan. 29 at the Euclid Branch Library, 1340 S. Euclid St. VETERANS' ARTWORK ON DISPLAY The Muzeo s Service exhibit continues through Feb. I. The art collection features the work of California artists who are military veterans. Through photography, pastels, oils and charcoal, the veterans share their experiences through art. The show is a collaboration between artists with support from Visual Arts For Veterans, AmeB and the Veteran Artists Program organization. VOLUNTEERS SOUGHT FOR BARBECUE The West Anaheim Neighborhood District is looking for com mittee members to help with its 19th annual barbecue on May 9 at Twila Reid Park. The free event provides activities for children and adults and brings the community together. Always looking to expand and grow the barbecue, WANI) is seeking new committee members to participate in the planning of the event VOLUNTEERS SOUGHT FOR BARBECUE The West Anaheim Neighborhood District is looking for comittee members to help with its 19th annual barbecue on May 9 at Twila Reid Park. The free event provides activities for children and adults and brings the community together. Always looking to expand and grow the barbecue, WANI) is seeking new committee members to participate in the planning of the event.