Harry Sherlock is honored for commitment

By MARYLAEA, in 1995

Within every community there are those who are sworn to "Protect and Serve." This commitment is an awesome responsibility. Within each federal, state, county or city law enforcement agency, there are countless stories of heroism and tales of tremendous sacrifice. The individuals that you don't hear too much about are the ones who quietly go about doing their job, day after day, year after year, to the best of their ability. They go by practically unnoticed by the general public. Once a year in Stanton, Capt. Bob Eason of the Orange County Sheriff's Department, selects one man or woman who has demonstrated consistent and exceptional work to be the recipient of the Deputy of the Year Award. All year long Capt. Eason keeps track of personnel and at the end of the year he makes his decision. Deputy Harry Sherlock was chosen to receive the award this year. Deputy Sherlock has been involved in law enforcement for 30 years; 27 of those years with the Sheriff's Department and the past seven years in Stanton. He is a general crimes investigator, which basically means he is somewhat of a specialist, focusing on a particular aspect of law enforcement. Aside from the skill that is involved in doing police work, Sherlock has also demonstrated excellent conduct within the community and he has a high level of dependability. "Harry is solid as a rock and can be absolutely depended on," Eason said. Somehow, that one statement made me feel safe and secure. Congratulations Deputy Sherlock, and thank you. Stanton's Neighborhood Watch Program is moving into full swing. The driving force behind the program is Rosa S